Monday, May 2, 2016

1MB: May 1

We're just about 1.5 months away from The Jerusalem Project! I'm so excited about what God has already been doing and what He is going to do. We've been off for a bit with the devos, but we're getting back on it.

Remember, read the devo from the One Minute Bible, then answer these questions below. If you are behind, make sure to go through and catch up with the other devos.

  1. From the first passage, why would God command the Israelites to constantly talk and think about the "words" He was giving them?
  2. From the second passage, why would Jesus add the second command when the man only asked for the one greatest command?
  3. How would you describe the love that is commanded towards God and the love commanded towards others (your neighbor)? What does love look like towards God and towards others?
Sorry if that third question seems odd. Couldn't think of how to ask it better.


  1. 1. The words that he gives are so holy that they must be cherished every part of the day. They are perfect words and we must treat them that way.
    2. The second is barely less important than the first but still significant. The second is as important as the first.
    3. The love directed towards God is great because he is perfect and holy. Everyone should love God more than other things. The love directed towards our neighbors is less than our love for God. Sometimes it is nothing at all. It is much easier to love someone perfect than someone flawed.

  2. The words that he gives are perfect words and we must treat them that way.
    2. The second is as important as the first.
    3. The love directed towards God is great because he is perfect and holy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 1. I think God would command the Israelites to constantly talk and think about the “words” He was giving them because they are important. The words He is talking about are, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” I think this verse is amazing because it describes our relationship with Him. We should constantly talk and think about these words because they pertain to every aspect of our lives.
      2. I think He gave the two greatest commandments because they are both really important. We need to be able to love God with everything we have just as we should love the people around us.
      3. I think that often times we show more love towards God because we feel that is what we should do. In my opinion, we should have the same love for God that we have for others. If we show as much love towards others that we show towards God this world would be a better place. Love towards God comes through praying, worshiping Him, and spreading His love. When you show love towards others I think we should show God’s love through our actions.

  4. 1. All of God's words are perfect and holy words to live by, so we need to constantly review them and refresh ourselves with God'd word.
    2. I think God was showing how His commands relate to each other and go hand in hand. It is simple to love by God's commands because if you follow the greatest one the rest just fall into place.
    3. We should love God above all other things but we should use that same way of loving to give to everyone else.

  5. 1. He told them to constantly talk and think them because that way they would always have love for the Lord. And from that love it could turn into love for others.
    2. Because then they would know that their love isn't restricted to just God. They would also see that they must love others.
    3. I feel like the love directed at God is more meaningful than love directed at others. This is because people think well he isn't that great so he really doesn't deserve as much love as God.

  6. 1. God told them to constantly repeat these words because they are holy words.

    2.the first and second are equally important for us to know.

    3. We should love People as much as we love God.

  7. 1. God's words are so special that we should never forget them and interpret into our everyday.
    2.The second goes along with the first and it is just as.
    3.We should love others as we love God to show his love to others.

  8. 1.So that they will cherish the great words that God speaks.
    2.The second commandment is as important as the first and needs to be remembered.
    3.We should love God more than anyone but we need to show Gods love to others.
