Thursday, May 5, 2016

1MB: May 4

I know it's May 5, but we're just going to focus on May 4, because it was Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you). If you don't get that reference, don't dwell on it too much.

  1. Do you think the laws from Exodus and Leviticus (the first two passages) are fair? Why/why not?
  2. Do you think what Jesus says in Matthew is fair (third passage)? Why/why not?
  3. Why would Jesus seem to change what was written in the Old Testament for His followers? What good would it have done?


  1. 1. Yes because it is just like the saying what goes around comes around. If you do something then you will experience it too. Just because it is fair does not mean that it is always right.
    2. No it is not fair. If someone does something and you do nothing they don't experience it. Even though it isn't fair it is right.
    3. Jesus changed the Old Testament law because we are better than that. It would do no good if the eye for an eye rule was around. "An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind." -Mahatma Gandhi

  2. 1. No I do not think that these laws are fair, but in all honesty life isn't fair so what do I know.
    2. I think there are many ways that you can look at this. In most situations it doesn't seem fair because if someone hurt you you would want them to feel the same pain they inflicted upon you. In the end, what Jesus says is correct because Jesus is always right.
    3. I think He seemed to change what was written in the Old Testament for His followers because the laws in the Old Testament caused more harm than good. I think Jesus stating new laws for the people to follow would change their attitudes and the outcomes on most situations in a positive way.

  3. 1. I think they are fair because why should you get away with a lesser punishment of what you did to one person. It is unfair to the other person if they think you didn't get what you deserved. You can't say that they didn't deserve something that they did to you.
    2. No I don't think that's fair why should they get to do something to you twice without any punishment.
    3. I think it is because things got out of hand with the old rule and this seemed like a better one to live by.

  4. No because it is not right to take revenge.
    2.Yes because most people want you to react but if you dont then they dont get anything out of it.
    3. Because times had changed and new rules were needed.

  5. 1.Yes because if you do something wrong you should be getting the full punishment. Life is not fair and it wont be.
    2.Yes because jesus is always right.
    3.People have changed over time so their needs to be some changes in rules.
