- How can focusing on the verses from March 12 help us in our pursuit of joy?
Watch this video (I know how this works...you will watch just enough to be able to answer the questions. But seriously watch this video. It was been a game changer for me):
- How would you describe joy from this video?
- What kinds of things stick out you to from this video?
1. I think that the passage says that Jesus had joy taking up his cross so we can have joy taking up ours knowing that we will be in heaven with him.
ReplyDelete1. Joy is a spiritual discipline that is good for our souls.
2. He says that God is the creator of parties.
1. Being like Jesus will bring us joy
ReplyDelete1. Joy is being saved, and it is a spiritual discipline
2. Heaven is the ultimate party, so we need to practice partying now
1. I think the verses can help us focus on joy by realizing that when you keep your eyes on Jesus you will have an enormous amount of joy in your life. He will rejoice in the fact that He can help me in my times of need and in turn that makes me joyful because I will have His happiness.
ReplyDelete1. I would describe joy from this video as having a relationship with Jesus Christ. I loved when he said, "Seriousness is not a fruit of the spirit, but joy is."
2. I loved when he said, "We may feel like we are broken beyond repair, but He is the peace in our troubled sea and He is the healer of the broken hearted." I also liked how he said we are fully free through Him because we are no longer captive to ourselves. The last thing I would like to point out is the fact that he said God is the inventor of parties. I never thought about it like that, but once I did I realized that there is nothing more true. God is the reason that I have joy in my life.
1. Even though there are things that keep us sad, or troubled, there are still reasons to rejoice and praise God for the things you have!
ReplyDelete1. Sometimes, when you're in a rut, it's nearly impossible to not fixate on the awful things that are going on in this world. You look around and all you see is brokenness. But then you just look out at the sky and see the beautiful sunrise and how amazing God is. He created that! We have so much to worship and be thankful for! You don't realize it, but God created all of it, good and bad, and he wants us to be joyful. We should find joy in everything and we should sing, dance, laugh, praise, run, walk, turn cartwheels, whatever we need to do to show God how excited we are that He is our God and He has created all of this for us.
2. I remember watching this video a few years ago, and I remember the group of friends he has. I know how important it is to be kind to people we don't know and reach out to those that need salvation, but sometimes we forget that we also need to be rejoicing in the friends we do have in Christ. I love how they are all celebrating at the end (whether this is for video purposes or not), it still amazes me what a group of friends that share a growing love for Christ can do. They find so much joy in their friendships and know that they are brothers and sisters in their walk with the Lord. In this generation, whenever people want to celebrate something, everyone thinks there needs to be alcohol involved. And although that's something everyone might not particularly noticed, but they all still find reason to party without it. God wants us to soak up these moments that we have so we can spend eternity with Him. That is the ULTIMATE party and we should all strive for that.
1. We can look at these verses and see that bad things happen but through theses bad times there is still a way to find joy. If we remember this during bad times we will find a way to find joy.
ReplyDelete1. Joy is way greater and stronger than happiness. It also makes you look at everything with a different view.
2. Some things that stick out to me is when he states how happiness is different from joy, and that happiness is just a reaction to things around us. Another thing that stuck out to me was when in the beginning he said there was a sensation that just fell upon him and he went out running in the fields.
1. We can focus on these verses to see that there is always joy no matter what is happening, and that if you follow Jesus you'll find lots of joy.
ReplyDelete1. Joy is being saved by the lord as well as spiritual discipline
2. That he said heaven is the best party and we need to start partying now, I just like that figure of speech that's representative of heaven, the way it means that heaven is the best place with the most happiness and closest place to God, etc and to get there we need to start getting those things.
1. I think these verses help us in the pursuit of joy by reminding us that throughout hardships and trouble there is still a way to find joy in God.
ReplyDelete2. joy is a spiritual discipline and being saved
3. Things that stuck out to me was that he said that joy was different from happiness and that heaven is the ultimate party.
1. These verses help me understand that there is always going to be joy in the presence of the bad times. Jesus always provides us with good when there is evil among us.
ReplyDelete2. Joy is being saved and spiritual discipline.
3. What really stuck out to me is what he said about the different between joy and happiness. He explained that joy is spiritual discipline and being saved while happiness is how we react to something. One more thing that stuck out to me is when he said that Heaven is the ultimate party so we need to start partying now.
I think that the passage says that Jesus had joy taking up his cross so we can have joy taking up ours knowing that we will be in heaven with him.
ReplyDeleteJoy is a spiritual discipline that is good for our souls, and our hearts.
One thing that stuck out to me was how he said that heaven was the ultimate party and we need to start partying.
1. These verses help me know that theres always happiness.
ReplyDelete1. I would describe joy as a happy feeling god brings us.
2. One thing that stuck out to me was he said Jesus is always bringing something new and that he's not finished with us yet.
1. The verses show me that in bad times, joy is still there.
ReplyDelete1. Joy is the great feeling you get when you know Got is a part of you.
2. The par that stuck out to me is when he said that Heaven was the ultimate party and there is more to come.
1. The verses told me that even through the hardest times God is there and we need to rejoice in him.
ReplyDelete1. Joy is not just a feeling. Its not just happiness. It can change your life and true joy will impact your everything.
2. The part that stuck out to me was when he said that God is not finished with us yet.
1. The verses told me that joy is always in our presence
ReplyDelete1.joy is a spiritual discipline
2. The part that stuck out to me is that heaven is the ultimate party!