- Do you think the laws from Exodus and Leviticus (the first two passages) are fair? Why/why not?
- Do you think what Jesus says in Matthew is fair (third passage)? Why/why not?
- Why would Jesus seem to change what was written in the Old Testament for His followers? What good would it have done?
Thursday, May 5, 2016
1MB: May 4
I know it's May 5, but we're just going to focus on May 4, because it was Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you). If you don't get that reference, don't dwell on it too much.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
1MB: May 2 & 3
This is the beginning of the Law that is recorded in the Old Testament. Understanding this will actually help us to understand Jesus and how He fulfills the Law.
- From May 2: Holy cow, those seem like extreme measures. Why do you think God was so extreme in what He said about this subject?
- From May 3: Why did God command people to pay back more than they took?
- From May 3: Read Matthew 5:23-24 (yes, actually look it up and read it). Why would Jesus command that? Why would you suspend your worship to God in that way?
Monday, May 2, 2016
1MB: May 1
We're just about 1.5 months away from The Jerusalem Project! I'm so excited about what God has already been doing and what He is going to do. We've been off for a bit with the devos, but we're getting back on it.
Remember, read the devo from the One Minute Bible, then answer these questions below. If you are behind, make sure to go through and catch up with the other devos.
Remember, read the devo from the One Minute Bible, then answer these questions below. If you are behind, make sure to go through and catch up with the other devos.
- From the first passage, why would God command the Israelites to constantly talk and think about the "words" He was giving them?
- From the second passage, why would Jesus add the second command when the man only asked for the one greatest command?
- How would you describe the love that is commanded towards God and the love commanded towards others (your neighbor)? What does love look like towards God and towards others?
Sorry if that third question seems odd. Couldn't think of how to ask it better.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
1MB: March 11 & 12
Read from the One Minute Bible: March 11 & 12. Watch this video (7 minutes):
- How can focusing on the verses from March 12 help us in our pursuit of joy?
Watch this video (I know how this works...you will watch just enough to be able to answer the questions. But seriously watch this video. It was been a game changer for me):
- How would you describe joy from this video?
- What kinds of things stick out you to from this video?
Thursday, March 10, 2016
1 MB: March 9 & 10
Make sure to read both days out of the One Minute Bible (March 9 &10).
- In what ways does God display His love for us?
- How can we show love for others around us? Be specific. Is there any specific way that you can display God's love for someone in your circle of influence (people around you)?
- Read the last passage on March 10. How does this verse bring comfort and hope to you?
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
1 MB: March 8
- From the first passage, which of the fruits (actions) of the Spirit do you need to work on the most?
- From the second passage, how can we discern what is pleasing to the Lord?
- What do you think the third passage on this page means?
Monday, March 7, 2016
1MB: March 7
In the right margin of the page in the One Minute Bible: March 7 there is a question. Write down your three responses to that question.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
1MB: February 23
- What do we learn about God from the passage in Job (the first passage in the 1 Minute Bible)?
- What do we learn about people from this devotion?
- What does it mean that God is the first and the last?
Saturday, February 13, 2016
1MB: February 14
Here we are, the famous love passage. Since it's approaching Valentine's Day and all, it's kind of appropriate.
- Why do you think that the things Paul talks about are worthless without love?
- The second half of this text talks about the different attributes of love (also listed on the left hand side). What is the most difficult aspect of love that Paul talked about for you to display? Which quality got your lowest letter grade?
- What are some ways that you can improve this area of your life?
Friday, February 12, 2016
1MB: February 13
Read number 44 (February 13) from the One Minute Bible (remember, One Minute Bible = 1MB).
- How would you describe unconditional love?
- If nothing can separate us from God, why does it sometimes feel like we aren't close to Him?
- Type out your favorite line from Romans 8:35, 38-39 (the first section in the 1MB) and your favorite line from 1 John 4:16-18a, 19 (the second section in the 1MB)
Saturday, February 6, 2016
1MB: February 5 & 6
We are starting the Beatitudes (blessings). The Beatitudes are full or paradox, meaning that it doesn't make much sense. It doesn't make sense that a person who is poor in spirit (down and out) or a person who is mourning would be "blessed" (happy, fortunate, favored).
Yet Jesus is saying that there is a reward later. If you are poor in spirit, if you are mourning, you are blessed not because of your present circumstance but because of a future promise. You can be comforted in knowing that you will receive a reward for staying faithful to God during your time of trial. God will wipe your tears. You will receive His Kingdom.
How to respond:
Yet Jesus is saying that there is a reward later. If you are poor in spirit, if you are mourning, you are blessed not because of your present circumstance but because of a future promise. You can be comforted in knowing that you will receive a reward for staying faithful to God during your time of trial. God will wipe your tears. You will receive His Kingdom.
How to respond:
- How might knowing that there's a future hope help you with today's problems?
- What are you mourning for (sad about)? Is there anything that we can pray for regarding your present circumstance? If not, you can leave this part blank. But if there is something we can pray about for you, jot it down and we can pray for you through your difficult time.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
1MB: February 4
A little background on the story:
Job had three friends at the beginning of this story, when he started to experience the hardships that Satan brought on. They came to Job and sat silently with him for some time (that was tradition when someone was going through a hard time). But then they started to speak. They started saying that Job must have sinned, or maybe one of his parents did. That's why he was having a hard time (they thought). They couldn't figure out why God would do this if Job hadn't sinned.
Those friends have weird names which you read in the 1MB.
Make sure to read the "Just a Thought" section on the left of the page. It's important to understand that the faithful of God do not always prosper in this way. God doesn't always give physical, material gifts to those who follow Him, but sometimes He does. Jesus says in Matthew that, "it rains on the just and unjust." Rain was a good thing back then. So Jesus was saying that good things happen to those who follow Him and those who don't. You can determine who is following God simply by looking at their health and wealth.
How to respond to this blog devo:
Job had three friends at the beginning of this story, when he started to experience the hardships that Satan brought on. They came to Job and sat silently with him for some time (that was tradition when someone was going through a hard time). But then they started to speak. They started saying that Job must have sinned, or maybe one of his parents did. That's why he was having a hard time (they thought). They couldn't figure out why God would do this if Job hadn't sinned.
Those friends have weird names which you read in the 1MB.
Make sure to read the "Just a Thought" section on the left of the page. It's important to understand that the faithful of God do not always prosper in this way. God doesn't always give physical, material gifts to those who follow Him, but sometimes He does. Jesus says in Matthew that, "it rains on the just and unjust." Rain was a good thing back then. So Jesus was saying that good things happen to those who follow Him and those who don't. You can determine who is following God simply by looking at their health and wealth.
How to respond to this blog devo:
- Why would God accept Job's prayer but not the prayer of his friends? Is that weird that God would accept one person's prayer over another?
- Why do you think God chose to restore everything that Job lost, and double it even?
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
1MB: February 3
We're picking up at an awkward place. In case you're not familiar with the story of Job, let me give you a brief background.
At the beginning of Job there is sort of a showdown between Satan and God. God is kind of boasting about Job (pronounced with a long "o", rhymes with "robe") because of how faithful Job is to God. So Satan tells God that the only reason Job is so faithful is because God has blessed Job with so much. He then asks God if he could take away some of those blessings to test Job and see how faithful he is when he's not prospering.
The rest of the book shows how Satan continues to curse Job, taking away his wealth and killing his family. The scene that we read is after a LONG time of testing, after Job had lost everything. He is clearly frustrated with God, wondering why he seems so silent. Ever been there?
So God answers Job back with what we read in this passage.
Here is how to respond to this post:
At the beginning of Job there is sort of a showdown between Satan and God. God is kind of boasting about Job (pronounced with a long "o", rhymes with "robe") because of how faithful Job is to God. So Satan tells God that the only reason Job is so faithful is because God has blessed Job with so much. He then asks God if he could take away some of those blessings to test Job and see how faithful he is when he's not prospering.
The rest of the book shows how Satan continues to curse Job, taking away his wealth and killing his family. The scene that we read is after a LONG time of testing, after Job had lost everything. He is clearly frustrated with God, wondering why he seems so silent. Ever been there?
So God answers Job back with what we read in this passage.
Here is how to respond to this post:
- Why do you think God responded back to Job this way? Why does He remind Job of His greatness?
- How might knowing that God is a big God, the creator of everything, help us when we are struggling with life?
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Keeping the End in Mind
We had our first meeting Sunday, and I have to say that I'm excited about our group and what God is going to do in and through us in the next several months.
On Sunday we talked about having a plan. Any successful plan starts with the end in mind. The planner must ask the question, "What is the goal of this? What do I hope to accomplish?" The end will determine the journey.
For instance, let's say that you wanted to take a vacation (who doesn't?). How will you know which direction to head? You have to know where you are going to know which direction to go. If you are going to Florida, you're going to head south. If you're going to Canada, you'll need to head north.
For The Jerusalem Project we talked about having two goals as a group:
Here's how to interact with this devotion:
On Sunday we talked about having a plan. Any successful plan starts with the end in mind. The planner must ask the question, "What is the goal of this? What do I hope to accomplish?" The end will determine the journey.
For instance, let's say that you wanted to take a vacation (who doesn't?). How will you know which direction to head? You have to know where you are going to know which direction to go. If you are going to Florida, you're going to head south. If you're going to Canada, you'll need to head north.
For The Jerusalem Project we talked about having two goals as a group:
- That Christ would be glorified and shared in our community
- That each of us would become better servants for life
That is the end goal. That is the destination. That is our Florida. So we know where we are going, but how will we get there? We need to make plans to get there. So, we need to plan to:
- Learn language and techniques to introduce the love of Jesus to people, and...
- Be determined to allow this experience to change our lives.
For those things to happen we need to throw our whole selves into what is going on. We need to be devoted to doing devotions. We need to plan to pray. We need to engage in our church community and VIBE.
So we plan to do those things and we work towards the end goal. But, we don't have total control over what happens:
Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word...Put God in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place...We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it. (Proverbs 16:1, 3, 9)In order for the plan to be successful, it needs to come from God. We need to be listening to His voice and following His promptings in our lives. This means that we have to devote time in prayer and the Word to make sure that we are in line with His will.
Here's how to interact with this devotion:
- Reread the Scripture above (Proverbs 16:1, 3, 9). Type in the comments a simple prayer that God would lead and guide us as we make plans for The Jerusalem Project.
- Type in the comments what you hope God will do during The Jerusalem Project. It could be something that He does through you or the team, or something that He does in you (changed heart/attitude), or anything in between. How do you hope God shows up during this experience?
Look for another devotion tomorrow (Wednesday)
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