Today was hot! Tough to work in but the kids were troopers!
Tonight. Tonight was an emotional night. Each morning Monte, Kim or Russ has done a devotional with our team. Tonight we had a team devotion time. We talked about serving and the different ways Christ served during his lifetime. Then students had the opportunity to share ways they have observed acts of service this week.
Many students shared how they had observed some of their teammates serving.
Jared doing the job that everyone hates...without even being asked. Jack, who went with a group to play basketball with a local youth group made up of some pretty rough neighborhood kids, and ended up just talking with a kid because the teams were already even and this kid was not playing. The group of girls from the painting work site telling the girls from the soffit/roof work site that they could use the showers first because they had to wear jeans all day. Adult sponsors who have been caring (no I really didn't make that one up). Delaney and Jack taking Brandi with them to deliver food to neighbors because they had already been there and could introduce her. Many of the team members visiting an elderly couple and delivering food to them each night (they joined us for dinner tonight). Many mentioned how great it was that their teammates just would help with whatever they needed, often times when they weren't even asked but just saw their was a need. A couple of adults talked about how they were pleasantly surprised by the willingness of EVERYONE. Scott even mentioned that there had been no complaining by the teens, a few blushed at that time - too funny, so he changed it to he hadn't heard anyone complaining. Other adults said the same. thing. Our hosts are huge examples of service. I personally am going to tell you how I have observed each of the students be a servant on this trip below but I want to tell you how the night ended for the teens.
After we were done discussing service, a few shared some prayer requests and others prayed for them. After prayer, we gave each of the students the letters from their families and from Norm, along with prayers they had written on Saturday before the trip Some of the teens went to other rooms to read their letters, a few stayed together and shared things about them that were funny or sooooo mom or dad. I think there may have been one or two who choose not to read their letters. One of the sponsors said that if he had been here as a teen and had gotten a letter like that, he would have waited until he got home too. A few made phone calls home but most didn't. Parents, rest assured if you didn't get a call, your teen loves you and appreciated your letters. I think a few were being independent and a few it would have been a bit tough to call home for them. No one called Norm either. Each of the sponsors made sure to reach out to the kids so they could express feelings or talk if they needed.
The night ended with roaring laughter and games played but a very early curfew on night before our last day of work. A few tried to get it extended but when it was time, everyone put the room back in order, put away the games, rinsed out their cups and went to bed. I have no idea if they went right to sleep though, because I am writing the blog tonight.
To end, I want to make a few of my own observations about acts of service:
Brandi - helping a neighbor lady pack her belongs because she was moving, delivering meals and visiting neighbors along with helping prepare meals has been a part of her daily life at camp, It has been difficult for her to not be able to go to the work sites but she has become what I call "outreach girl". She has been able to make contact with people that no one else has been able to do.
Jada - for two days she cleaned everyone's paint brushes (no small task) without complaining...even when her tennis shoes got soaked.
John - he has not only worked hard but today was showing some love to a cat that probably has never been loved like that before. That cat got to share John's lunch.
Blake - sweeping the common room area before he headed off to bed because there were still corn husks on the floor
Jared- using the extension roller to paint the soffits when it became too difficult for someone else - they took a break and came back to find Jared had taken over the task
Brianna - cleaning the woman's bathroom sink area without being asked
Mattie, Lauren, & Jordan - volunteering for the daunting and hot task of scraping and painting the gable on Eugene's roof and doing it with laughter all morning long on a very very hot day
Josh - moving from another work site and going full gusto with his task of scraping and painting the front of the house at the new work site (he and John worked their tails off ) - he also made friends with Eugene's dog and also shared his lunch
Emma - volunteering to pray so she could insist that our hosts eat first instead of her table (even though they refused)
Jordan Moore - snapping beans and building shelving units when he was not feeling his best
Alex - fixed Jordan's dinner plate because Jordan's knee was swollen from the poison ivy he apparently tangled in the day before
Delaney - making everyone smile because hers is contagious.She is always volunteering to deliver meals to neighbors.
Jack - delivering meals and enjoying the company of the elderly neighbors
And these are only a few things I have observed. These teens are learning about being a servant to others, including their teammates, and doing it beautifully. Parents, you have beautiful children with loving and giving hearts. You should be proud. They are representing Jesus so very beautifully.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Notes from Delaney, Alex, and Blake
Hey everyone! Just going to leave a note telling you that we've all made it through day 2! Our groups job was to replace and repair soffit on our site. On day 1 , we struggled a bit to work as a group at the beginning, but after awhile we separated into smaller groups and began to work on specific tasks and it worked out well!One group was painting, another was prepping to hang soffit, and the last group was repairing old soffit that had drastically fallen. We were in the group that was repairing the soffit. We did this by using several boards and a bottle jack and were able to raise the soffit to where it was supposed to be and nailed it in. At the end of the day we made much progress! On day two, because we had already figured our what we were doing it went a lot smoother.It was much easier to get started and we were able to get even more done. We jumped right in by setting up much more efficiently (since we knew what we were doing.) By the end of the day we were able to finish repairing the soffit, prep the rafters for the new soffits, and finished priming the new soffit that was already up. It was a successful day that ended with everyone going out for shaved ice, which was delicious! After a great dinner of pulled pork and sweet corn, we visited with the neighbors again! Now we're playing games and winding down for the night.
Alex and Delaney
Alex and Delaney
Monday, June 30, 2014
Notes from Jordan Maure & Mattie
We know you all missed us, so we decided to update you. The trip down here was long and smelly. Once we got settled in we met a woman who called herself WalMart Wanda. She told us about her hard decision about whether she would come down this week. When she saw the verse Isaiah 6:8 on our shirts it solidified her decision that it was God's will for her to come this week. It was amazing to see God work from day one.
Today we split into two teams and were assigned our jobs. When we arrived at the first group's destination within twenty seconds of working, Alex picked up a board unaware that a nail was still attached. It wasn't until he waved at Lauren and she saw the blood it was brought to Ingrid's attention. Ingrid wrapped it well and he's as fine as he normally is.
After that craziness, we headed out to our work site. We went to the home of a man named Eugene. He had been raised in the house we are working on and has lived there all his life. We started by Jared, Jada, Brianna, Mattie, and Ingrid priming the outside of the house. Jordan and Jordan caulked with their bare hands. Let me tell you, that wasn't so easy... The group finished priming and started on painting the house red. We had long, fun day and accomplished a lot.
After we all got home, cleaned up, and ate dinner, we went to the neighbor's house and delivered food. They were ecstatic to receive ham loaf and homemade mac and cheese. They invited us into their home and we were able to sit and share stories. Mattie cried... Alex offered a tissue... she declined.
All in all, it was an amazing and productive day. Thank you for your prayers.
Jordan Maure and Mattie (:
Today we split into two teams and were assigned our jobs. When we arrived at the first group's destination within twenty seconds of working, Alex picked up a board unaware that a nail was still attached. It wasn't until he waved at Lauren and she saw the blood it was brought to Ingrid's attention. Ingrid wrapped it well and he's as fine as he normally is.
After that craziness, we headed out to our work site. We went to the home of a man named Eugene. He had been raised in the house we are working on and has lived there all his life. We started by Jared, Jada, Brianna, Mattie, and Ingrid priming the outside of the house. Jordan and Jordan caulked with their bare hands. Let me tell you, that wasn't so easy... The group finished priming and started on painting the house red. We had long, fun day and accomplished a lot.
After we all got home, cleaned up, and ate dinner, we went to the neighbor's house and delivered food. They were ecstatic to receive ham loaf and homemade mac and cheese. They invited us into their home and we were able to sit and share stories. Mattie cried... Alex offered a tissue... she declined.
All in all, it was an amazing and productive day. Thank you for your prayers.
Jordan Maure and Mattie (:
We are Here
Hello from very warm Alabama. Our trip down was quite long with a few adventures like traffic jam due to construction, the speedometer that stopped (phone apps are a wonderful thing) and started again, with a lot of laughter and smiles and sleeping. We are so thankful for a safe trip. Scott did an amazing job of driving and keeping a sense of humor along the way. The kids gave him huge thank yous.
Today we will be split into 2 groups. One will be roofing and one will be painting with some light construction.
Keep us in our prayers.
Friday, June 20, 2014
What to Bring
You guys are leaving in just over a week from today! I am very excited for what God is going to do on this trip. I hope that you have been praying for God to prepare you and those that we serve. Here is a list of things to bring:
What to Bring
What to Bring
- Work Clothing-Something you don't mind ruining (all shirts must have sleeves, modest shorts)
- Tennis Shoes/Work Boots-Something you don't mind ruining.
- Work Gloves
- Casual Clothes-All shirts must have sleeves. Keep clothing extremely modest.
- Leisure Footwear-Sandals and flip-flops are acceptable at the camp.
- Shower Shoes-Sandals or flip-flops work great!
- Toiletries-Soap, shampoo, towel, washcloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant
- Sunscreen-This is not optional. Everybody will wear sunscreen. The sun in Alabama is more intense than the sun in Northern Indiana.
- Insect Repellent-You think they're bad here...
- Swimsuit-Not sure if we'll get to swim, but just in case (1-piece or 2-piece that covers the belly button)
- Water Bottle-Something with a wide mouth. 5 gallon drink coolers will be at each site.
- Bible, notebook, pen
- Extra money for souvenirs, snacks, etc...-Everything you need is already paid for
- Flashlight
- Camera
- Hat (to block the southern sun)
- Games (playing cards, etc...)
- Tools (if you have a few that you like better than loaners)
What NOT to Bring
- Cell Phone
- MP3 Player/iPod
- Other electronic devices
Please go over this list several times. If you need work clothes, Goodwill is a great place to get extra t-shirts and shorts on the cheap. Try to keep your luggage to one luggage bag and a carry on that you don't mind sitting with on a bus. I am waiting to hear back from the organization about whether we need bedding or not.
You guys will be leaving early Sunday morning, but I do not have the exact time yet. I will let you know as soon as I get that, but I would anticipate it being around 4-5 am slow. Comment on here if you have questions.
Monday, April 21, 2014
My Friend, Geoff
I have a friend that some of you know named Geoff Cocanower. He's been the Teen Camp director that last few years. Geoff has a heart for God that is incredible. Today he wrote a blog that was challenging to me. Follow the link below, then come back here for reflection:
Click here for Geoff Cocanower's blog
What about you? Do you have a mountain in your life right now? Respond to the post in one of the following ways:
Click here for Geoff Cocanower's blog
What about you? Do you have a mountain in your life right now? Respond to the post in one of the following ways:
- Write about a mountain in your life. What is something that seems impossible to you that only God could do? Maybe it's a relationship, family situation, school, or something else going on in your life.
- Tell about a time when you faced a mountain and you saw God work. What was going on? How did God show up for you?
As always, I look forward to reading your responses.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The Resurrection of Christ
Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.
This week we are celebrating Christ's death and resurrection. We are celebrating because of what it means for us, those who follow Christ. It means that He has paid the price for our sin. Paul says that everyone has sinned, and that anyone who sins deserves death (Romans 3:23; 6:23). But it's not just a physical death that Paul is talking about. It's an eternal death, separated from God forever.
One thing that we focus on when we go on a mission trip is our testimony. A testimony is simply a declaration or some kind of evidence in support of Christ's work. In verse 3, Paul says that he passed on what was most important. Christ had died, was buried, and raised from the dead. And there were many people who would testify to that (the disciples, the 500, and Paul).
Paul then talks about His own testimony, that he had seen Christ (v. 8), but he isn't really worthy of being an apostle (one who has seen Christ's risen body) because of how he persecuted the church (v. 9). Yet, God worked in Paul and through Paul, and through His message many have believed in Christ and the resurrection.
So Paul's testimony would look like this:
I look forward to seeing the responses.
This week we are celebrating Christ's death and resurrection. We are celebrating because of what it means for us, those who follow Christ. It means that He has paid the price for our sin. Paul says that everyone has sinned, and that anyone who sins deserves death (Romans 3:23; 6:23). But it's not just a physical death that Paul is talking about. It's an eternal death, separated from God forever.
One thing that we focus on when we go on a mission trip is our testimony. A testimony is simply a declaration or some kind of evidence in support of Christ's work. In verse 3, Paul says that he passed on what was most important. Christ had died, was buried, and raised from the dead. And there were many people who would testify to that (the disciples, the 500, and Paul).
Paul then talks about His own testimony, that he had seen Christ (v. 8), but he isn't really worthy of being an apostle (one who has seen Christ's risen body) because of how he persecuted the church (v. 9). Yet, God worked in Paul and through Paul, and through His message many have believed in Christ and the resurrection.
So Paul's testimony would look like this:
I persecuted the church and Christ, but Christ was revealed to me, and I now preach that Christ died, was buried, and was raised on the third day.What about you? Can you put your testimony into a 1-3 sentence summary? In response to this blog, try to write out a 1-3 sentence testimony in the comments section. This could be how you came to Christ, or even what He is doing in your life now. Make sure the focus is on Christ's work and how that has changed your life. For Paul, that was that Christ was revealed and what he preaches has changed.
I look forward to seeing the responses.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
I love reading through the book of Psalm. The most honest, real, joyful, and sorrowful words are written for us to read. A lot of the Psalms were written by David, you know, the one who defeated Goliath. The David who had an affair with his neighbors wife then sent him to the front-line of the battle to be killed to cover up his mistake. Others wrote in the book. But the words you read are words from real people going through real life.
Here's what I would like you to do:
- Take a few moments to read through some of the Psalms. Try to read at least 3-4 chapters in Psalm.
- In the comments section, tell us about what spoke to you in a particular Psalm. Start off by writing what Psalm you will be talking about, then write at least 2-3 sentences describing how that Psalm spoke to you, how it resonated with you, or what you were surprised by.
- Read someone else's Psalm that they wrote about, and write a comment back to them about their Psalm. Again, it could be something that it showed you about God, or something that resonated with you, or something that surprised you.
I look forward to seeing the responses.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
God's Call, My Response.
Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope that you are all well rested and ready to finish out the school-year strong. We're getting into Easter season, so the readings over the next few weeks will tend to reflect that.
Take a moment to read Mark 8:31-38 (remember, click the passage for a quick link to the text).
Here are a couple of things to remember as you read this passage:
Take a moment to read Mark 8:31-38 (remember, click the passage for a quick link to the text).
Here are a couple of things to remember as you read this passage:
- Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man. So when He says that the Son of Man must suffer, He's talking about Himself.
- Peter was one of His closest followers and friends. He was also the oldest and leader of the disciples.
- "Satan" literally means one who apposes God and His will. Jesus wasn't calling Peter Lucifer (the devil's name), but saying that He was trying to get in the way of God's plan.
- When Jesus begins to talk with the disciples and the crowd about taking up your cross, He is telling them that God's plan will sometimes cost you something, in this case, it will cost your life. He was really saying, "Here is what following me will cost. Are you willing to go that far?"
- God's plan sometimes looks different than we thought. Who would have thought that God's plan would involve Christians being killed for their faith?
The question I have for myself is, "When have I been Satan?" When have I gotten between God and His plans for my life and the lives of those around me? Would I be willing to follow God's plan, even if it would cost me my life in an excruciating death? I mean, if Jesus' closest follower and friend opposed God's plan and caused Jesus to rebuke Him, then I am not exempt from those kinds of questions.
I can think of several times in my life that I felt a leading from God and I didn't go through with it, or I felt that it was too ridiculous to really be God. Most of the time, when I don't follow God's plan, it's because I'm scared. I'm scared of what others might think of me. I'm scared of others rejecting me, or just thinking that I'm crazy (well, I am, but that's for another topic).
Here's what I want us to discuss in the comments section:
- What do you feel God is calling you to do? In what ways is He calling you to deny yourself for His cause? Write it down in the comments below. It doesn't have to be anything that is ridiculously huge. Maybe He's asking you to be a better example for you brother, sister, mom or dad. Maybe He's asking you to sit by a loner in the lunch room.
- Write down one action step that you will take to follow through with God's call.
- If you haven't sensed a call from God, take a couple of days to pray about it. Then come back here to finish steps 1 and 2. I guarantee you that if you devote time in prayer to this, asking God to call you to something, He will.
God has been calling me to give people more time and attention. Not just people that I like and that I have a good relationship with, but the people who I just happen to run into at the store. He's calling me to pay attention to the needs around me and to act on them when I see a need come up. So I'm going to pay more attention to the cashier at the grocery store and waiter at the restaurant. Maybe God will prompt me while talking with them.
What about you? What's God calling you to do?
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Devotional: Jesus is Bigger
One of my favorite passages in all of Scripture is Romans 8:31-39. Take a couple minutes to read through it, then come back here for some thoughts and comments.
What's amazing about this passage is verse 33, "It is God who justifies." We have an Enemy, someone trying to tell us that we aren't good enough. We make mistakes. We mess up. We all sin. Yet, it is God who justifies. God makes the ultimate decision on what's going to happen to us. Not you. Not me. Not your neighbor, Shirley. And not our Enemy, the devil.
It's because of Jesus that we are justified by God. What that means is that Jesus paid the penalty for us. When someone gets caught doing something wrong, breaking the law, there is a penalty for that action. Jesus has taken the penalty for us. He has already died for us. All of our sin, past, present, and future is hung on the cross. Jesus' death has satisfied God's anger towards sin.
Yet, we run away from God when we mess up. We run away from church when we are not living holy lives. But there is nothing that can separate us from God, this passage says.
I was at a conference yesterday, and the speaker said, "Jesus is bigger than any mistake." Those six words should transform us. Where do we turn when we mess up? It should be to God. And since the Church should be representing God here on earth, we should be able to turn to the Church with no condemnation, no fear of being "guilty," even though we all are. Jesus has taken care of it for us.
Read through the passage one more time. Spend some time reflecting on it. Think about the fact that God is FOR you, not against you. He has given everything for you. And He has given everything for everyone. For you. For me. For your neighbor...Shirley. For your teacher. For your family. For your enemy.
There are two steps to take in regards to this devotional:
What's amazing about this passage is verse 33, "It is God who justifies." We have an Enemy, someone trying to tell us that we aren't good enough. We make mistakes. We mess up. We all sin. Yet, it is God who justifies. God makes the ultimate decision on what's going to happen to us. Not you. Not me. Not your neighbor, Shirley. And not our Enemy, the devil.
It's because of Jesus that we are justified by God. What that means is that Jesus paid the penalty for us. When someone gets caught doing something wrong, breaking the law, there is a penalty for that action. Jesus has taken the penalty for us. He has already died for us. All of our sin, past, present, and future is hung on the cross. Jesus' death has satisfied God's anger towards sin.
Yet, we run away from God when we mess up. We run away from church when we are not living holy lives. But there is nothing that can separate us from God, this passage says.
I was at a conference yesterday, and the speaker said, "Jesus is bigger than any mistake." Those six words should transform us. Where do we turn when we mess up? It should be to God. And since the Church should be representing God here on earth, we should be able to turn to the Church with no condemnation, no fear of being "guilty," even though we all are. Jesus has taken care of it for us.
Read through the passage one more time. Spend some time reflecting on it. Think about the fact that God is FOR you, not against you. He has given everything for you. And He has given everything for everyone. For you. For me. For your neighbor...Shirley. For your teacher. For your family. For your enemy.
There are two steps to take in regards to this devotional:
- Write out a prayer of thanksgiving to God for what you read in this passage. Thank him for something specific that is written. Make it at least a three sentence prayer.
- Write out a prayer for the upcoming mission trip based on what you read in this passage. Pray for those who we will encounter to see the love of Jesus. Pray that our group will model this passage well.
I look forward to reading through your prayers.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Devotion: The Greatest of All
I don't know about you, but for most of my life I've tried to be the best Christian I can. I have done many of the things a "good Christian" should do. But there are times that I have completely missed the point. Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 13 (it's 13 verses long), then come back here for some thoughts and reflections.
This passage is one of the most popular wedding readings because it deals with love. If you think about a wedding, the couple getting married are entering into a covenant relationship where they are publicly showing their desire to live in unity with each other.
The thing that you will not hear in vows is, "I promise that we will never fight, never have a disagreement, and will, at all times, completely agree with one another." When we enter into a relationship with God, we are also entering into a covenant relationship with God's people, the Church. Paul was writing to a new church made up of diverse people who were used to fighting and brawls.
Go back and reread verses 4-7. This is the description of what love is and what love does. Love needs to be patient and kind because we are all people who have our own thoughts and ideas of how to live life. We will disagree. We will hurt one another. But if we live out verses 4-7, then we can figure out how to live in unity with one another even while having conflict. And that is far greater than the greatest miracle or gift that we could ever receive.
Here's how to respond to this post: Pick a description of love that you would like to work on from verse 4-7. Why did you pick that one? How will it help you in preparing for the mission trip? Write down your answers in the comments.
This passage is one of the most popular wedding readings because it deals with love. If you think about a wedding, the couple getting married are entering into a covenant relationship where they are publicly showing their desire to live in unity with each other.
The thing that you will not hear in vows is, "I promise that we will never fight, never have a disagreement, and will, at all times, completely agree with one another." When we enter into a relationship with God, we are also entering into a covenant relationship with God's people, the Church. Paul was writing to a new church made up of diverse people who were used to fighting and brawls.
Go back and reread verses 4-7. This is the description of what love is and what love does. Love needs to be patient and kind because we are all people who have our own thoughts and ideas of how to live life. We will disagree. We will hurt one another. But if we live out verses 4-7, then we can figure out how to live in unity with one another even while having conflict. And that is far greater than the greatest miracle or gift that we could ever receive.
Here's how to respond to this post: Pick a description of love that you would like to work on from verse 4-7. Why did you pick that one? How will it help you in preparing for the mission trip? Write down your answers in the comments.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Coping with Crisis: Part 2
If you haven't done yesterday's devotion, go do it now. Don't go on until you have done that one. Don't worry, I'll wait.
Yesterday you read about two guys who were going through some kind of crisis in their lives. One had a sick son, and the other was crippled. I asked for everyone to find one similarity and one difference. Here are some similarities I found:
Yesterday you read about two guys who were going through some kind of crisis in their lives. One had a sick son, and the other was crippled. I asked for everyone to find one similarity and one difference. Here are some similarities I found:
- Both people were facing problems they couldn't solve
- Both had to take Jesus at his word
- Both received help from Jesus in the form of healing
Here are some differences:
- One person was in a respected position while the other wasn't
- One had family, the other was alone
- One person's problems were recent (sick son) while the other had problems for a long time
One of the biggest differences that I see is the social status each one was in. The royal official would have been respected by many around him, while the crippled man would have no respect. In fact, in that time, many people believed that crippled people had done something in their lives, or their parents had done something to anger God, therefore they were crippled.
So you have a respected guy and one who was not respected. You have a guy who had anything he wanted, and one who didn't even have anyone to help him into a pool. Yet both of them had a need that they couldn't satisfy. Both men had to trust Jesus, that He could make a difference in their situation.
We all have those times in our lives. We have things that we can't control. We have problems that we can't fix. But where do we turn? A lot of times we just try harder or we give up. Yet, Jesus is big enough to handle our situation. We may not get the answer we want, but we can know that He is there and He cares for us.
To respond to this devotion:
- Write down something that you hope God will do for you, an issue you hope that He can resolve. You don't have to be super specific if the information is sensitive. Maybe it's some kind of guidance, or you have a sick friend or family member. Maybe it's that someone you know will receive Christ.
- Write out a prayer in response to someone else's need, asking God to intervene or to make His answer clear in the situation.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Encountering Jesus: Coping with Crisis
All of us go through hard things in life. None of us are free from difficulty. But what do we do when we are going through a hard time? Where do we turn?
Read through John 4:43-54 and John 5:1-9. Both of these guys come from different places, different social classes, yet they are going through difficulties. For today, write in the comments at least one way in which these two stories are similar and one way that they are different. Don't read anyone else's answers until you have answered. We'll continue on with some application tomorrow.
Read through John 4:43-54 and John 5:1-9. Both of these guys come from different places, different social classes, yet they are going through difficulties. For today, write in the comments at least one way in which these two stories are similar and one way that they are different. Don't read anyone else's answers until you have answered. We'll continue on with some application tomorrow.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Silent Auction
I've talked to a couple of people who have had trouble finding things to bring to the silent auction. Let me share with you what we are doing and some other ideas that you can borrow and adapt.
We are doing a "Get Well Gift Set". Tara found a recipe online where you put dry ingredients of soup in a jar and seal it. It's suppose to look good once it's all put in the jar. Then she is throwing in a small pack of Kleenex, cough drops, and a get well card. That will all be packaged together. Most of those things are things that we had laying around the house that we don't use.
Another set will be a woman's devotional basket. We found a woman's devotional booked, untouched, in our bookcase. Tara also had a nice fancy journal shes has never used. We are putting a nice coffee mug with a single serving of coffee, kind a "Get Your Morning Started Right" basket.
I mentioned that these were things that we already had, but they are also things that are brand new. They haven't been touched or messed with. They are as we got them. Everything that we sell should be nice. Here are some more ideas that you could take from:
We are doing a "Get Well Gift Set". Tara found a recipe online where you put dry ingredients of soup in a jar and seal it. It's suppose to look good once it's all put in the jar. Then she is throwing in a small pack of Kleenex, cough drops, and a get well card. That will all be packaged together. Most of those things are things that we had laying around the house that we don't use.
Another set will be a woman's devotional basket. We found a woman's devotional booked, untouched, in our bookcase. Tara also had a nice fancy journal shes has never used. We are putting a nice coffee mug with a single serving of coffee, kind a "Get Your Morning Started Right" basket.
I mentioned that these were things that we already had, but they are also things that are brand new. They haven't been touched or messed with. They are as we got them. Everything that we sell should be nice. Here are some more ideas that you could take from:
- Date Night: Buy a bucket of popcorn (they sell microwave popcorn in the bucket at grocery stores), a move (keep in mind this is a mostly Christian crowd), a gift card for Subway (dinner), and a 2 liter of pop.
- Kids Craft Set: Coloring book, crayons, water colors, drawing paper, glue, construction paper, stickers, etc...
- Scrapbook: Scrapbook paper, craft scissors, stickers, stencils, scrapbook
- Beauty Basket: Lotion, soap, candle, loofa, beauty mask, etc...
- Summer Fun: Sidewalk chalk, jump rope, badminton, bubbles, frisbee
- Cookie in a Jar: Get the dry ingredients for baking a cookie and put them in a jar (Click here for a link to see how it's done and to see other ingredient-in-jar ideas)
- Items from a business willing to donate items. We had someone who worked at Hoosier Tire that got a really nice blanket and a jacket. Your parents' may work somewhere willing to donate. You might be surprised. It gets their brand out while giving to a good cause.
Those are just some ideas to get you started. I would encourage you to Google some more ideas. It doesn't have to be complicated. I did mention baked goods before, but please make sure that they are baked GOODS (see what I did there). We don't want to be selling burnt cookies or poopy pie.
If you plan on borrowing one of these ideas, please specify that in the comments. We don't need seven Date Night baskets. So make sure to check the comments to see if someone has already taken an idea.
It's interesting to think about God's plan for the world. According to Jeremiah 29:11, God has a plan, and His plan is for good. His plans always involve restoration (to bring back to the original condition). It doesn't take long to notice that this world is messed up, but God's plan is to give hope for the future.
As we go on our mission trip, our prayer is to bring the hope of Christ to those we encounter. I pray that the Gospel would go out from our group and heal the people around us. Gospel literally means good news. People in this world need some good news.
On the mission trip, the good news might mean that a families house is restored. It might mean that someone receives a warm meal. The good news is tangible. It is seen, felt, tasted. But there is more to this good news than that. We are bringing Jesus Christ. Even more than that, we are letting Jesus Christ lead us and showing others how He is working.
Take a moment to read Matthew 28:16-20, then come back here. OK, are you with me now? By sending out His disciples, Jesus is giving them authority. That has been passed down to us. We go with power. We go knowing that we are on God's side. Our mission should always point toward Christ because He's the reason we are doing this anyway.
And the encouragement for all of this is that we aren't alone. In case you passed over it, or didn't even read in the first place, go back and read verse 20.
Jesus doesn't promise that everything is going to be as we expected it. But He promises something even greater-His presence. No matter the circumstance, no matter what we run into in life, or on this mission trip, we can have peace knowing that Jesus is guiding us through it.
Here's how to respond to this:
As we go on our mission trip, our prayer is to bring the hope of Christ to those we encounter. I pray that the Gospel would go out from our group and heal the people around us. Gospel literally means good news. People in this world need some good news.
On the mission trip, the good news might mean that a families house is restored. It might mean that someone receives a warm meal. The good news is tangible. It is seen, felt, tasted. But there is more to this good news than that. We are bringing Jesus Christ. Even more than that, we are letting Jesus Christ lead us and showing others how He is working.
Take a moment to read Matthew 28:16-20, then come back here. OK, are you with me now? By sending out His disciples, Jesus is giving them authority. That has been passed down to us. We go with power. We go knowing that we are on God's side. Our mission should always point toward Christ because He's the reason we are doing this anyway.
And the encouragement for all of this is that we aren't alone. In case you passed over it, or didn't even read in the first place, go back and read verse 20.
Jesus doesn't promise that everything is going to be as we expected it. But He promises something even greater-His presence. No matter the circumstance, no matter what we run into in life, or on this mission trip, we can have peace knowing that Jesus is guiding us through it.
Here's how to respond to this:
- Pray that God would begin to work in your heart, that He would give you courage and boldness so that you are able to proclaim that Jesus is our Leader, our Savior. Pray that He will show you how to teach others in your life about what He says, that your life would point to Him, the Gospel, the Good News.
- Answer this question in the comments: How has Jesus shaped, changed, or flipped your life? How has following Jesus changed how you see the world, how you interact with others, how you see yourself?
The Good News about Jesus is that He changes everything. In whatever circumstance we find ourselves, we know that He is with us when we are proclaiming His name, and that gives me comfort. It changes how I see others, how I interact with others, and what I see as important.
I look forward to seeing your comments below. Remember that this Sunday you are to be at the church with your parents/guardians either after second service (10:30 am slow, 11:30 am fast) or before VIBE (5:00 pm slow, 6:00 pm fast) to sign the commitment forms. Bring your insurance card with you so we can make copies.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Devotion: Worry
Are you a worrier? I don't typically worry, but certain things bring it out in me. I tend to worry more when I'm about go to a new place. For instance, I get pretty nervous when we are going to go to a school event at a school that we've never been to. How will I know which door to go in? Will I be able to find the gym/auditorium?
I know, that's kind of an unusual fear. But sometimes we just worry too much. Check out what Jesus says about worry in Matthew 6:25-34 (click the passage for a link to Bible Gateway).
Why was Jesus so concerned about what we worry about? I think it's because what we worry about shows what or who we put our trust in. If I worry about what I'm going to eat, then my trust is taken away from God and put on myself. I feel like it's up to me to figure out what I'm going to eat, that God can't help in the situation.
Re-read verse 33. What is a kingdom? A kingdom has a king. Each king has a set of rules, laws, or commands, and the people in the kingdom are expected to follow these. So Jesus is saying that if you seek God's Kingdom first, that the rest of these things will take care of themselves. It's not that they will magically happen, or that you will get everything you want, but when we are seeking to please God He makes it clear how we should live our lives and our needs are met through Him and His ways.
There's no promise about living a trouble free life. In fact, read verse 34 again. Jesus seems to say that you will always have trouble. But the question is, "What are you putting your trust in?" If we fully trust God to take care of us, then living His way should be our number one concern, and we don't have to worry about the other things so much.
Here are two ways to respond to this post (please complete both):
I know, that's kind of an unusual fear. But sometimes we just worry too much. Check out what Jesus says about worry in Matthew 6:25-34 (click the passage for a link to Bible Gateway).
Why was Jesus so concerned about what we worry about? I think it's because what we worry about shows what or who we put our trust in. If I worry about what I'm going to eat, then my trust is taken away from God and put on myself. I feel like it's up to me to figure out what I'm going to eat, that God can't help in the situation.
Re-read verse 33. What is a kingdom? A kingdom has a king. Each king has a set of rules, laws, or commands, and the people in the kingdom are expected to follow these. So Jesus is saying that if you seek God's Kingdom first, that the rest of these things will take care of themselves. It's not that they will magically happen, or that you will get everything you want, but when we are seeking to please God He makes it clear how we should live our lives and our needs are met through Him and His ways.
There's no promise about living a trouble free life. In fact, read verse 34 again. Jesus seems to say that you will always have trouble. But the question is, "What are you putting your trust in?" If we fully trust God to take care of us, then living His way should be our number one concern, and we don't have to worry about the other things so much.
Here are two ways to respond to this post (please complete both):
- In the comments, describe something that you tend to worry about.
- Reply to someone else's comment about what they worry about with a simple prayer. For instance, you might respond to my worry about going somewhere new with this prayer: "God, help Norm to know that you are with him no matter where he goes, that he doesn't need to worry so much about going to new places.
Make sure that you complete the first devotion as well if you haven't done that yet. I look forward to seeing the comments section blow up this week!
Monday, March 3, 2014
No Trace Missions: Extended
Hey guys. We worked through some material yesterday that we called no trace missions. The idea is that we don't want to leave a trail of destruction behind us when we go on our mission trip. The only thing we want to leave behind is evidence that God was working in us and through us.
One thing that was brought several times yesterday is that it's important to be kind and loving with one another and those we come in contact with. Well, the Bible has a lot to say about love, what love looks like, and what love does.
Take a moment to read through Romans 12:9-21. If you are able to, print out that passage (click here if you're not sure where to look it up). Now, either in your Bible or printed copy of the Scripture, go back and underline every description of what love is or what it does (e.g. love must be sincere; honor one another). Seriously, go do that right now before you move on...I'll wait.
OK, now read through once more, but this time put your initials over the things that are easy for you, and circle those that are more challenging. Again, do that right now...I'll wait.
Now, think through some of the questions:
One thing that was brought several times yesterday is that it's important to be kind and loving with one another and those we come in contact with. Well, the Bible has a lot to say about love, what love looks like, and what love does.
Take a moment to read through Romans 12:9-21. If you are able to, print out that passage (click here if you're not sure where to look it up). Now, either in your Bible or printed copy of the Scripture, go back and underline every description of what love is or what it does (e.g. love must be sincere; honor one another). Seriously, go do that right now before you move on...I'll wait.
OK, now read through once more, but this time put your initials over the things that are easy for you, and circle those that are more challenging. Again, do that right now...I'll wait.
Now, think through some of the questions:
- What are some things those who love should do?
- What are some things those who love should not do?
- How will this help us in having a no trace mission trip?
- How might forgetting what Paul (the author of this part of the Bible) writes affect our trip negatively?
Take a minute to think through those questions, then follow the two steps listed below.
- In the comments below, tell about at least one of the things you underlined, circled, or initialed. Why did you put that mark there? (e.g. I circled, "be patient in affliction" because when I'm going through a hard time I tend to lose patience and want easy answers).
- In the same comment, write out your answer for one of the questions above.
Remember, completing these are required to go on the mission trip. If you fail to complete these exercises you may jeopardize your chances for going on this mission trip. I look forward to seeing your responses soon.
Oh, on last thing, don't forget to include your name somewhere in the comment. I'm not sure if you can type your name as the person commenting, so you may have to respond as a "guest" and write your name in the comments. Have fun!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
I'm very excited to get started with this mission trip. Our destination: Birmingham, AL. Our goal: to help restore the damaged caused by the largest tornado outbreak in US history. Many families have lost homes, loved ones, and have been displaced due to this disaster.
This is the place where team members can find information and devotions. Make sure to check back here daily for your devotions.
I hope that you are as pumped up as I am for what God is going to do through this process. I believe that this has the potential to be life changing for those we help and for our group as well. I look forward to the rest of this journey together.
This is the place where team members can find information and devotions. Make sure to check back here daily for your devotions.
I hope that you are as pumped up as I am for what God is going to do through this process. I believe that this has the potential to be life changing for those we help and for our group as well. I look forward to the rest of this journey together.
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