Today was hot! Tough to work in but the kids were troopers!
Tonight. Tonight was an emotional night. Each morning Monte, Kim or Russ has done a devotional with our team. Tonight we had a team devotion time. We talked about serving and the different ways Christ served during his lifetime. Then students had the opportunity to share ways they have observed acts of service this week.
Many students shared how they had observed some of their teammates serving.
Jared doing the job that everyone hates...without even being asked. Jack, who went with a group to play basketball with a local youth group made up of some pretty rough neighborhood kids, and ended up just talking with a kid because the teams were already even and this kid was not playing. The group of girls from the painting work site telling the girls from the soffit/roof work site that they could use the showers first because they had to wear jeans all day. Adult sponsors who have been caring (no I really didn't make that one up). Delaney and Jack taking Brandi with them to deliver food to neighbors because they had already been there and could introduce her. Many of the team members visiting an elderly couple and delivering food to them each night (they joined us for dinner tonight). Many mentioned how great it was that their teammates just would help with whatever they needed, often times when they weren't even asked but just saw their was a need. A couple of adults talked about how they were pleasantly surprised by the willingness of EVERYONE. Scott even mentioned that there had been no complaining by the teens, a few blushed at that time - too funny, so he changed it to he hadn't heard anyone complaining. Other adults said the same. thing. Our hosts are huge examples of service. I personally am going to tell you how I have observed each of the students be a servant on this trip below but I want to tell you how the night ended for the teens.
After we were done discussing service, a few shared some prayer requests and others prayed for them. After prayer, we gave each of the students the letters from their families and from Norm, along with prayers they had written on Saturday before the trip Some of the teens went to other rooms to read their letters, a few stayed together and shared things about them that were funny or sooooo mom or dad. I think there may have been one or two who choose not to read their letters. One of the sponsors said that if he had been here as a teen and had gotten a letter like that, he would have waited until he got home too. A few made phone calls home but most didn't. Parents, rest assured if you didn't get a call, your teen loves you and appreciated your letters. I think a few were being independent and a few it would have been a bit tough to call home for them. No one called Norm either. Each of the sponsors made sure to reach out to the kids so they could express feelings or talk if they needed.
The night ended with roaring laughter and games played but a very early curfew on night before our last day of work. A few tried to get it extended but when it was time, everyone put the room back in order, put away the games, rinsed out their cups and went to bed. I have no idea if they went right to sleep though, because I am writing the blog tonight.
To end, I want to make a few of my own observations about acts of service:
Brandi - helping a neighbor lady pack her belongs because she was moving, delivering meals and visiting neighbors along with helping prepare meals has been a part of her daily life at camp, It has been difficult for her to not be able to go to the work sites but she has become what I call "outreach girl". She has been able to make contact with people that no one else has been able to do.
Jada - for two days she cleaned everyone's paint brushes (no small task) without complaining...even when her tennis shoes got soaked.
John - he has not only worked hard but today was showing some love to a cat that probably has never been loved like that before. That cat got to share John's lunch.
Blake - sweeping the common room area before he headed off to bed because there were still corn husks on the floor
Jared- using the extension roller to paint the soffits when it became too difficult for someone else - they took a break and came back to find Jared had taken over the task
Brianna - cleaning the woman's bathroom sink area without being asked
Mattie, Lauren, & Jordan - volunteering for the daunting and hot task of scraping and painting the gable on Eugene's roof and doing it with laughter all morning long on a very very hot day
Josh - moving from another work site and going full gusto with his task of scraping and painting the front of the house at the new work site (he and John worked their tails off ) - he also made friends with Eugene's dog and also shared his lunch
Emma - volunteering to pray so she could insist that our hosts eat first instead of her table (even though they refused)
Jordan Moore - snapping beans and building shelving units when he was not feeling his best
Alex - fixed Jordan's dinner plate because Jordan's knee was swollen from the poison ivy he apparently tangled in the day before
Delaney - making everyone smile because hers is contagious.She is always volunteering to deliver meals to neighbors.
Jack - delivering meals and enjoying the company of the elderly neighbors
And these are only a few things I have observed. These teens are learning about being a servant to others, including their teammates, and doing it beautifully. Parents, you have beautiful children with loving and giving hearts. You should be proud. They are representing Jesus so very beautifully.
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