Friday, March 7, 2014

Silent Auction

I've talked to a couple of people who have had trouble finding things to bring to the silent auction. Let me share with you what we are doing and some other ideas that you can borrow and adapt.

We are doing a "Get Well Gift Set". Tara found a recipe online where you put dry ingredients of soup in a jar and seal it. It's suppose to look good once it's all put in the jar. Then she is throwing in a small pack of Kleenex, cough drops, and a get well card. That will all be packaged together. Most of those things are things that we had laying around the house that we don't use.

Another set will be a woman's devotional basket. We found a woman's devotional booked, untouched, in our bookcase. Tara also had a nice fancy journal shes has never used. We are putting a nice coffee mug with a single serving of coffee, kind a "Get Your Morning Started Right" basket.

I mentioned that these were things that we already had, but they are also things that are brand new. They haven't been touched or messed with. They are as we got them. Everything that we sell should be nice. Here are some more ideas that you could take from:

  • Date Night: Buy a bucket of popcorn (they sell microwave popcorn in the bucket at grocery stores), a move (keep in mind this is a mostly Christian crowd), a gift card for Subway (dinner), and a 2 liter of pop.
  • Kids Craft Set: Coloring book, crayons, water colors, drawing paper, glue, construction paper, stickers, etc...
  • Scrapbook: Scrapbook paper, craft scissors, stickers, stencils, scrapbook
  • Beauty Basket: Lotion, soap, candle, loofa, beauty mask, etc...
  • Summer Fun: Sidewalk chalk, jump rope, badminton, bubbles, frisbee 
  • Cookie in a Jar: Get the dry ingredients for baking a cookie and put them in a jar (Click here for a link to see how it's done and to see other ingredient-in-jar ideas)
  • Items from a business willing to donate items. We had someone who worked at Hoosier Tire that got a really nice blanket and a jacket. Your parents' may work somewhere willing to donate. You might be surprised. It gets their brand out while giving to a good cause.
Those are just some ideas to get you started. I would encourage you to Google some more ideas. It doesn't have to be complicated. I did mention baked goods before, but please make sure that they are baked GOODS (see what I did there). We don't want to be selling burnt cookies or poopy pie. 

If you plan on borrowing one of these ideas, please specify that in the comments. We don't need seven Date Night baskets. So make sure to check the comments to see if someone has already taken an idea.


  1. I got some things from my work and I plan on giving away one of my drawings. It'll be an odd little collection but its something at least ^_^

  2. Jessica Chamberlin us gathering all the items and creating "packages" for the auction. So if you have odds and ends, that is okay!

  3. I actually have a couple of basket I've already made. Do we need to put our names on them? Or what the theme of the basket is? both perhaps?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
