Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Mop Flops

We have a saying in ministry (specifically regarding our mission trips) that we flop with the mop. It's another way of saying that we go with the flow.

There are lots of reasons why we should be flexible, and lots of circumstances that could cause change in a mission trip.

Read Acts 16:6-10 (side note, I hope that you are really taking the time to read these passages and not just trying to get clues from the questions and blog about what it's about).

Paul was the original missionary. He was dedicated to take the Gospel to far away lands, to spread the news of Jesus Christ. I can only imagine how he felt when doors were closing left and right. All he wanted to do was spread the Gospel. Why would God allow doors to close that would allow him to do that?

This sort of thing still happens. Our local mission experience that we host every three years at KLMC (The Jerusalem Project) was actually born out of a closed door. We were suppose to go to New York city. But it was obvious that trip was not for our group. God closed the door...hard! And we were left with no mission trip.

Then, through prayer and frustration, God showed us The Jerusalem Project. He directed our way and lead us to a truly unique and memorable mission experience, one that has had a ton of impact in our community, including at least one man who began to turn his life around and started coming to our church before he died.

By the way, only five people signed up for that mission trip because it wasn't as "cool" as New York and it wasn't the original plan. But it has turned into one of my favorite things we do as a youth group.

You see, God closes doors to open new ones. It's frustrating, because we have our ideas and mind set on one thing, but then something else happens that seems like it wasn't what we planned. But when God opens another door like He did with Paul going to Macedonia, it's always a better thing (at least, better from God's vantage point, which is above ours).

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Another way to say that last part (He will make your paths straight) is that He will direct your paths. To flop with the mop means that, while we plan and hope and anticipate the future, God has ultimate control of this trip and everything leading up to it. So, will we trust in our own understanding of what is good and right and logical, or will we trust that God has it taken care of?

To respond, answer these questions:

  1.  How would you feel if you were Paul in Acts 16? He was just trying to bring the Gospel of Jesus to a new place (remember, we don't know how long he lingered in Troas before they left for Macedonia).
  2. What are some ways or signs that would be an indicator of whether or not you are trusting in God? In other words, what kinds of attitudes and actions would be present of someone who trusts in God? What about the person who is only trusting in themselves? What kind of attitude and actions would they display when plans change?
  3. Write out a short prayer based on this devotional. 


  1. 1) I would feel very frustrated that every time I try and talk to someone or try and spread the Gospel that it would go wrong. I would have to keep reminding myself to keep my faith in God because he knows what he is doing.
    2) Someone who trusts in God would have a very positive attitude about everything including the good, the bad,and the ugly. A person who is only trusting of themselves is someone who is very confident in everything they say or do. If plans changed they would be upset and would try and fix it by themselves.
    3) Lord please help me to have faith in you and to be able to be flexible with anything that goes on. Thank you. Amen

  2. I would get angry because I tend to have a short fuse and just want one thing to be set in stone and stick to it. I would most likely keep questing God, asking "are you sure God? I'm already here it'll just be easier."
    To me, the first sign would include not questioning God and everything he is telling me. The action that would speak the most to me would be willing to drop everything and doing what God asks right now rather than waiting for my own time to do it when it's more convenient.
    Dear Lord, please help me be a light of your love for those around me who don't know you. Please let my faith be a light to those around me who need you, let me show them that you are the way, the truth and the life. Amen.

  3. If I were Paul, I would probably have tried to do my own thing anyway. Sometimes it is hard to not do your own thing. It was admirable of Paul to be so in tune with God that he followed his direction. He is a real example.
    It is evident when someone trust God when things change on them because they step back and allow things to happen and do not force something else. The person who only trust in themselves will push down the locked door. When things change, they would not change with it.
    Lord, help me shine your light. Help me be able to flop with the mop, even though that is not something that comes easy to me. Help me be like Paul and be so in tune with you that I can follow your lead. Thank you for loving me and guiding me. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

  4. If I was Paul in Acts 16, I would be upset and start to lose hope. He was just trying to spread God's word, and it would be frustrating and confusing as to why God wasn't opening the doors of these cities for him. As stated in the devotion, we don't know how long Paul stayed in Traos. We are a generation of me all the time. If we don't get immediate results we aren't satisfied. This is another reason why I would be frustrated. There are times when I get frustrated or upset when I don't get an answer in a timely manner.

    One way that would be an indicator that I am trusting God is having a positive attitude. A person who is only trusting in themselves can't be sure about anything. If I put my trust in God, I know everything will turn out for the good and that He has a plan. When I follow God and plans change unexpectedly, my attitude will show that of a servant of Christ. I will go with whatever He sets ahead of me. This can only be accomplished by allowing God to have complete control of my life and having a positive attitude about it.

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    I pray that you will be with each of us on this mission trip. I pray that you will show us you are always with us. No matter what happens, You are always with us and You have a plan for us. You already have a path set out for our trip and You will be watching over us each day we are away. Thank you for being an amazing God that cares about each and every one of us. Please help me keep my attitude in check during this trip. I want my actions to glorify You and have the words I speak to reflect positively in Your Name.
    In Jesus' Name,

  5. 1. I would've felt pretty betrayed if I was Paul. I also would've been pretty confused. I wouldn't understand why God wanted this for me.
    2. The person who trusts in God all the time everyday, would show characteristic traits that people want to be around. When something doesn't go their way it's okay for them because they know there is a reason it didn't and it's all part of God's plan. As for the other they would probably get upset when things don't go their way. They would be mad and complain when things don't happen the way they want it to.
    3. Dear Lord, please help me do what you want me to do. Lead me to do what you want, not what I want. Help get better with giving up what I want for you Lord. In Jesus name amen.

  6. (1) I probably would have been frustrated, wondering why I seemed to be "out of sync" with God's will, what went wrong.
    (2) Instead of the above, I would trust and rest in God, confident that He will accomplish his purposes in his timing and that I can be a participant in that if I'm patient, wait upon him, and trust him. A worldly person will be frustrated, angry, mad, etc. when things don't work out the way they wanted. They also usually look for someone and/or something to blame. Also, they don't let it go, bringing it up time and again, even years later, expressing anger and even bitterness remembering their disappointment.
    (3) Father, forgive me when I don't have confidence in your sovereignty, when I try to race ahead or force something to happen. Still my heart and mind so that I can be still, can pray, and wait upon you. Thank you for your patience with me! In Jesus's precious name I pray. Amen

  7. 1. If I were Paul, I would be frustrated that I could not spread God's word. I would probably be a little confused as to why God kept closing my doors as well.
    2. The attitude of someone who is trusting in God would be open to change and constantly looking for new opportunities. Someone who is only trusting in themselves would be easily frustrated when things do not go their way, and would be easily discouraged.
    3. Dear Father, You know everything that is happening and going to happen to me. Please help me to keep trusting and relying on You. When you close one door help me to see the one that you are opening. I love you so much. amen. Maya

  8. 1. I'd feel aggravated because I wanted to do this but I think that maybe I'd start to realize that God had a better plan for me.
    2. A person who believes in God should display a happy message to others, but I think the biggest part is spreading the word no matter the situation. We need to speak to those who feel the need to boast in order to make themselves feel better and for those who don't believe.
    3. Dear Lord, I pray that you close the doors that I have been mislead to, and I pray that you open new and greater doors upon me. I pray that you lead our mission trip upon open doors and new opportunities for each and every one of us. Thank you lord for leading me to the person I have become. I pray this in your name, Amen.

  9. 1. I would feel mad because God is shutting me down everywhere that I go. I would be very mad. Eventually I would figure out that God is opening doors for me.
    2. A person who trusts God will display behavior such as being kind, being happy and being loving. Loving others is the main key to trusting him. A person who trusts in himself will bully others. They will call names, hit, kick, and just diminish spirit. They only care about themselves. We need to help them see others as people.
    3.Lord, if you close doors I know that you will open new ones. Thank you for opening doors in my life Lord. On our trip if you close doors open new better doors. Thank you Lord. Amen.

  10. 1) If I was Paul I would have been very frustrated with God that wherever I tried to preach I had to turn back. I would be very questioning that if God wants me to spread the word of him, why was I unable to preach in any of these areas.
    2) Signs that someone trusts everything they do in God would be always acting positive and doing this that spread God's love and show a good name for Christians and God. Someone that only did things trusting themselves would only do things if they themselves saw the reward or outcome, if it was something they believed was smart. When plans would change someone who trusts God would say 'Oh, clearly that was not something I should do and God is pushing me away from it.' while someone who did not would just blame chance and say they got unlucky.
    3) Lord, I pray that whatever happens during the trip or as we prepare for it, if something does not go as we planned it I pray we can remember that you have plan for all of us. Amen

  11. 1) I would be a little mad/sad/frustrated because I couldn't talk to anyone about God something always went wrong. I might even be mad at God because like gosh God why won't you let me spread your word that's all I want to do and I can't!!
    2) Signs that someone does trust in God are people who don't worry very easily who stay away from drugs and alcohol. Don't get in trouble at school. People that actually talk about God in school and aren't afraid of what others are going to say. Someone who doesn't trust in God will do all the things I just said like drugs, and alcohol, and get into things like sex and other bad things that you shouldn't do because it's terrible. Someone who doesn't trust in God might give themselves all the credit for things instead of giving God all the credit they just give it to themselves.
    3)Dear Lord, I pray that you will open doors for me to go and talk to other people about you and that they don;'t all close before I get the chance to talk to them even though I know there will always be another door open for me to help someone. I pray that you keep everyone sage and that they all have a good week in your name I pray Amen.
