We're taking the week off of a traditional devotional for Spring Break. For this week, simply comment below answer this question: What do you hope God does during this mission trip? It could be something that He does in you, in our group, through you or our group for someone else. What is your dream? If you could pray for just one thing for this mission trip, what would it be? I look forward to seeing your responses.
FYI, there are four other blog devos, and some of you haven't completed all of them (some haven't completed one). Get these done soon, or the hammer of justice may do something. Thanks!
I hope that God will use us to bring other people to Christ. I hope that we will be able to make an impact on other people's life throughout this trip. I also hope that we will be able to make a good name for Christianity. Those are my hopes for this trip.
ReplyDeleteI hope that God allows us to spread the word of God and allow other people to realize how great He really is. I hope that they realize we are doing this job to glorify Him. I hope that He allows us to get everything done and that we all stay safe in the process.
ReplyDeleteI hope God will use us to show someone who you really are. Lots of people have negative opinions on Christianity because of an experience they have had with someone who says they are a Christian. I want to show someone that We just love God and want to make a difference, and maybe that little thing could change their life.
ReplyDeleteI hope that God will guide all of us as we work and even after the 'work' day is done. So that even if we are on a break or having free time we can keep jumping up and helping people out and making a difference in their lives.
ReplyDeleteMy hope is that (during the preparation for, or during the trip itself, or even afterward) each one of us will have that one moment of great clarity and insight when we catch a glimpse of something "thru God's eyes".
ReplyDeleteMy prayer is that ,as a group, we will be such "all-in" ambassadors of Christ, hands and feet of Christ, etc. that someone will see the Kingdom for the first time or in a whole new way and truly realize that it is "real".
My hope during is this mission trip is people can see God through our actions. That we will be a light shining bright for Him. I want my actions, words, and thoughts to be glorifying to Him. If I could pray for just one thing for this mission trip, it would be that we grow closer as a team. I pray that we will work together as a team with whatever tasks we are given and we are encouraging to one another. There will be things that some people are better at than others and we need to acknowledge this and use it to our advantage. By working as a team, we can accomplish more and have a great time doing it.
ReplyDeleteI want God to change my life completely for the better and open my eyes to what's really important. I would also like him to change those around me like ,my friends and even the people we're helping out. My dream for this mission trip would be that the trip changes our lives forever for the good, because I know we could all have our eyes opened a little farther to see more about you and how to help people in your name.
ReplyDeleteI would pray that God not only lets us get work done on the worksite but with others too. I pray that we can tell others about the love of Jesus and help them to believe.
ReplyDeleteI hope that God allows us to impact one or more people through our actions and words. I believe that God can show his awesomeness through us and that it will make our lives and others better. I hope he can use us to do great things that will change us and help us to understand him better.
ReplyDeleteI hope it brings us closer together as a group and closer to God. I would also hope that we got close to the people that we are working for. I hope that others will see our love and faith. And that we set a good example to people that aren't Christians and show then how God's changed our lives.