Monday, February 27, 2017


Hey guys. Welcome to the first devotional for the 2017 mission trip. We will be putting two devotionals online every week (ideally Monday and Thursday). Occasionally these devotionals will be written by a "guest." This week we are starting with a thought from Russ Taylor. Don't forget to read all the way to the bottom and respond to the devotionals accordingly. Not responding to the devos could cost you a chance to go on the mission trip.

From Russ:

Anticipation: the feeling of looking forward, usually excitedly or eagerly, to something that is going to happen. I would assume that all of us are doing this in regard to the upcoming mission trip to Birmingham.

I was fourteen when my dad purchased our first television and visual images came into our home. I was an avid reader through my childhood. As I read those books, I formed my own "images" in my mind in regard to those stories. I could picture exactly what each character looked like and all the settings the story was taking place in. I remember often being somewhat disappointed when on of those books was made into a movie. The just hadn't gotten it "right." The people who were cast to play the parts just didn't look like they were suppose to look.

We all fantasize at times, picturing in our minds the outcome of a sporting event or some type of competition. We fantasize a first date, playing it all out in our mind. We imagine what we will say and how they will respond in turn. Often, the fantasy is much more enjoyable and to our liking than the actual event turns out to be.

As we prepare to go on this mission trip, I am trying very hard not to fantasize very much. I want to be a "blank canvas" that the Lord can use. I am praying, "Lord, show me what you want me to see, teach me what you want me to learn, guide me to experience what you want me to experience!" As we anticipate this trip, let us keep our "fantasies" to a minimum and our availability and openness to a maximum. In this way, we will be able to be used to be a blessing to others in return, be blessed ourselves more than we could have imagined!

-Russ Taylor

Take a second to reflect on what Russ said. Then reply to this blog with answers to these questions:

  1. What does it mean to be a "blank slate" in regards to the mission trip?
  2. How can you have a teachable attitude towards this mission trip? In other words, how will you keep your anticipation about the mission trip from limiting what God wants to do in and through you?
Side Note: Students and parents, we would love to have more guest devotionals throughout the spring. If you would like to submit a devotional, you can email it to me at or type up a physical copy.


  1. Blank slate is like a book before it is written or a glob of clay before it is shaped by the artist or creator. Becoming a blank slate allows God to create me into something beautiful he has designed. If I am a blank slate for the mission trip, then I will allow God to show me what he wants me to learn and I can be a light for him in a way he sees to be the best, instead of doing my own thing.
    I am going to work hard at focusing on finding out what God has in store for this trip instead of what I want for the trip.

  2. 1. It means to be like a piece of clay that hasn't been shaped yet. You're going out on this trip to be changed and to change others. You're going out there to do what others want you to do. Having a "blank slate" is like not having any expectations for the trip and how it will go.
    2. You could anticipate it coming up to the days of the trip, but once you're on the trip you should push all those expectations aside and not expect anything to happen a certain way because most likely it will not happen that way. Instead you should let God do what he wants through you. You should let him change you and teach you through this trip. That's how you could keep your anticipation from limiting what god wants to do through you.

  3. I think being a blank slate is not having a set image in my mind of what is going to happen on this trip. I can be a blank slate by listening for God to tell me what my purpose is on this trip. God will reveal things to me I could have never imagined if I clear my schedule and make time for Him.
    I am going to focus on what my purpose is for this mission trip. I think everyone contributes an important role to this team and I am excited to see what God has in store for us.

  4. 1. To be a blank slate means to be ready for anything and not trying to force the things that you want to happen come true.
    2. I will be more teachable by not seeing this trip as just work but as also a time to minister to others.

  5. 1. Having a blank slate means you are just ready and open for whatever, and you will have patience with it and wait for it to happen.
    2. Well first of all I won't look at the work as just ugh I have to go work for blank many of ours and it's going to be so boring blah blah instead i will look at it as yes I get to go out and do Gods work for him not me that's a big thing it's not about YOU it's about God.

  6. 1)It means to not set up a large amount of expectation in your mind and basically predict exactly what will happen, because most likely what you imagine won't happen then you will leave disappointed and thinking the trip wasn't as good.
    2) I won't try and imagine what I will do down in Alabama but rather just look out for signs and moments where I can have God work through me. Rather than doing what I expect and only what I have to, to going and doing everything I see to let God shine through me.

  7. 1. To be a blank slate is to be ready for anything. If I get put on a certain job, it's my duty to be ready for that. I need to be ready for what the Lord has prepared for me.
    2. I will keep an open mind and prepare myself for anything. Prayer is also a big thing, and I could pray that he gives me an open mind and that this is all about glorifying Him.

  8. 1) To be a "blank slate" means to not expect things to happen and to be open to everything.
    2) I will keep my anticipation about the mission trip from limiting what God wants to do in and through me by praying for God to keep me from anticipating and for him to keep my eyes open to help others in any way I can.
    -Kennedy Ash

  9. Thank you to Russ for the idea of becoming a "blank slate" in preparation for this trip. My initial reaction when preparing was thinking back to our trip three years ago. This trip may be the same, but it may be totally different. That is where I see the advantage of clearing my slate in preparation for this trip.
    I think the best way to have a teachable attitude towards the trip is through prayer and asking God to help us to be prepared for what He has in store for us.
    Allowing His Spirit to lead us and having a blank slate of expectations will lead to results that honor Him.

  10. I'll take a "pass" on commenting since I wrote the devotional! Many people in "the world" are blank slates and they allow their friends, popular culture, society, etc., etc. to fill in their slate. We are trying, praying to keep our slate empty and inviting the Lord to fill in the blanks!

  11. 1)To be a blank slate means to allow God to show through ourselves to do something amazing. It means we should want to be able to do everything God wants us too. Being a blank slate can also mean not trying to imagine what the mission trip will be like
    2) I will continue to pray and ask God to live through me. I want my actions to reflect who I am as a christian.

  12. To be a blank slate to me is to not going in to this mission trip with our heads dictating what's going to happen but going in with the mind set that God will be working through me and I need to be open and willing to listen to what God puts on my heart and mind.
    I will be in a teachable spirit by listening and looking for all the ways God is telling me to move. Also, just going into everyday open minded and ready to do all the work God shows me rather than having a negative mind set about what "has to" be done, but what I GET to do for these other people.

  13. 1. Having a blank slate is being excited and thankful for whatever we encounter. It means not being frustrated when things do not go like you anticipated.
    2. I can have a teachable attitude by not having any expectations. I can except advice and wisdom from those more experienced than me. Also, I can be thankful for where I am and what I am doing no matter where God puts me. Maya

  14. 1. To be a blank slate means to be open to everything, not to be set on doing one thing but do what you are asked to do with no complaints.

    2. I won't focus on what work I'll be doing in Alabama but on how I can effect others and showngods love to them.
