Thursday, February 4, 2016

1MB: February 4

A little background on the story:

Job had three friends at the beginning of this story, when he started to experience the hardships that Satan brought on. They came to Job and sat silently with him for some time (that was tradition when someone was going through a hard time). But then they started to speak. They started saying that Job must have sinned, or maybe one of his parents did. That's why he was having a hard time (they thought). They couldn't figure out why God would do this if Job hadn't sinned.

Those friends have weird names which you read in the 1MB.

Make sure to read the "Just a Thought" section on the left of the page. It's important to understand that the faithful of God do not always prosper in this way. God doesn't always give physical, material gifts to those who follow Him, but sometimes He does. Jesus says in Matthew that, "it rains on the just and unjust." Rain was a good thing back then. So Jesus was saying that good things happen to those who follow Him and those who don't. You can determine who is following God simply by looking at their health and wealth.

How to respond to this blog devo:

  1. Why would God accept Job's prayer but not the prayer of his friends? Is that weird that God would accept one person's prayer over another?
  2. Why do you think God chose to restore everything that Job lost, and double it even?


  1. 1. He maybe just answered Job's prayer first and is waiting for the right time for the others. Just because God hasn't answered a certain prayer doesn't mean he isn't there or that he didn't hear it.
    2. Probably to prove to him that he is there and that he is listening, and that if he just waits something good will come from the bad.

  2. 1. I think that God accepted Job's prayer and not the prayer of his friends because he wanted to show Job that He is faithful to him. I think God will respond to everyone's prayers in His way and time.
    2. I think that God chose to restore everything that Job lost and double it because He wants to show him that He is faithful to him. He wanted to show Job that He will reward those who follow Him.

  3. 1. God would only answer to God because he knew that he was right and his friends were wrong.
    2. God doubled Job's things because he was faithful to him even in the hard times.

  4. 1. Maybe it was because his friend's had the mindset of if you sin then you will be punished, but only if you have sinned will you be punished.
    2. I think he chose to restore everything Job lost because it says in the text that Job took back his words and repented in the dust and ashes. So God forgave him and repaid him.

  5. 1. God would accept Job's prayer because he was a loyal follower. I think he didn't answer the other prayer to show that he was working in their daily lives in many different ways.
    2. I think God chose to restore everything Job had lost because he was walking with Him. I feel he chose to double it all because he wanted to show Job that he was still with him.

  6. I believe god accepted jobs prayer and not his friends because his friends might not continue to believe in god after he accepts their prayer.

    I think god chose to restore everything because he knew job was there for him and to show job he is gonna be there for him.

  7. I believe god accepted jobs prayer and not his friends because his friends might not continue to believe in god after he accepts their prayer.

    I think god chose to restore everything because he knew job was there for him and to show job he is gonna be there for him.

  8. Job, in the end, was faithful to God. He recognized his greatness, even in difficult times. Jobs friends spoke of things about God that were not true and were influencing those around them to believe what they said. I believe God was disheartened by their actions and perhaps angry but he was pleased with Job's faithfulness.

    Perhaps God choose to restore the things to Job, not just because of Job's faithfulness but as an example to others about His expectation of faithfulness.

  9. 1. Although God loves everyone, there is still a choice to be made whether or not you believe in God. Sometimes, God answers prayers to those who are loyal to Him.

    2. He knows that Job was sincere and he was trying to live the best way possible amongst the darkness this world has to offer.

  10. 1. God would except jobs prayer and not the others because job fully believe in God and did not doubt him.
    2. I think he did this because he was pleased with him sticking by him through his tests of faith he put him through.

  11. 1. Job's friends weren't really faithful to God, and they told Job to denounce the Lord, but Job stead strong in his faith so God rewarded his faith.
    2. God was pleased with Job, and so He showed us that good things come to those who trust the Lord.

  12. 1. God wanted them to obey Him, for they did not at first.
    2. To thank Job for being the wonderful servant that he is, Sharing the word of God and obeying.

  13. 1) God accepts Job's prayer, but not the prayer of his friends, because Job is his servant and follows him no matter what happened to him. It is not weird that God would accept one person's prayer and not another's.
    2) I think that God chose to restore everything that Job lost, because Job had faithfulness and maybe even to show others that good things can come out of faithfulness.
    -Kennedy Ash

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  16. 1. God accepted jobs prayer because we was a loyal follower.

    2. I think God choose to restore Everything job lost because job had listened to him and followed his directions.

  17. 1. I think God answered jobs answer because he was a loyal follower.

    2. God choose to restore everything job lost because he was loyal.

  18. 1. Maybe he wanted to show the 2 others how much of a good Christain job is.
    2. Because he fixed his problem

  19. God answered the prayers of Job but not the others because Job is actually following God while the others are saying false things about him.

    God restored and doubled everything Job lost to 'thank' him or reward him for following with him through everything.

  20. God answered the prayers of Job but not the others because Job is actually following God while the others are saying false things about him.

    God restored and doubled everything Job lost to 'thank' him or reward him for following with him through everything.

  21. 1.Jobs friends said false things about God. Therefore when Job sent a prayer he answered, unlike jobs friends prayers.
    2. God restored and doubled everything Job lost because Job was loyal to him no matter what.

  22. God answered Job's prayers because he is a faithful servant of the Lord while the others were not.
    He wanted to show Job that He rewards those who are faithful to him
