Wednesday, February 3, 2016

1MB: February 3

We're picking up at an awkward place. In case you're not familiar with the story of Job, let me give you a brief background.

At the beginning of Job there is sort of a showdown between Satan and God. God is kind of boasting about Job (pronounced with a long "o", rhymes with "robe") because of how faithful Job is to God. So Satan tells God that the only reason Job is so faithful is because God has blessed Job with so much. He then asks God if he could take away some of those blessings to test Job and see how faithful he is when he's not prospering.

The rest of the book shows how Satan continues to curse Job, taking away his wealth and killing his family. The scene that we read is after a LONG time of testing, after Job had lost everything. He is clearly frustrated with God, wondering why he seems so silent. Ever been there?

So God answers Job back with what we read in this passage.

Here is how to respond to this post:

  1. Why do you think God responded back to Job this way? Why does He remind Job of His greatness?
  2. How might knowing that God is a big God, the creator of everything, help us when we are struggling with life?


  1. 1. I think God responded to Job that way to show that the pain you feel on Earth will fade away. He reminds Job of his greatness to show Job how somethings on this Earth are insignificant compared to him.
    2. Knowing that God is a big God can help us when we are struggling with life because we will know that God is bigger than anything we could struggle with on this Earth.

  2. 1. I think that God wanted to reassure Job that He is always with him. He needed to remind Job of His greatness and how He can turn horrible things into good.
    2. When we are struggling in life, knowing that God is a big God can help us because we know that God has the best plans in mind for us and He loves us.

  3. I was asking myself those same questions when I read the devotional this morning. My only thought was we get so fixated on ourselves, what we "need", want, our problems that we forget God has everything in control. He is greater than we can imagine. He wants us to focus on HIM not our problems, worries, needs, and wants.

  4. 1. I think God responded this way because he wanted to show Job how much he still has without his wealth and other things cursed away from such as his friends who cried when they saw what happened

    2. It helps me with everyday life knowing that he can really do anything and he'll watch over me and other followers on his and protect them from anything truly horrid and unbearable from happening to us.

  5. 1. I think God responded to Job this way becuase he wanted to show him how we can get good from the bad.
    2. It helps me with life knowing that he has a plan for me and to let him do his work knowing something good will come out of it.

  6. 1. I think God told Job this because he persevered and trusted him in the good times and the bad times.
    2. It helps me because it tells me that he knows everything in life. It makes me want to trust him more too.

  7. I think god responded that way to tell job what pain and relief is. Also to trust through everything.

    It helps me because it lets me know that god is there whenever i need him.

  8. 1. I think He responded to Job like this, because God tells him that even when there is brokenness and struggles in life, God is with us through that as well as the good parts.

    2. I think it helps me, because knowing this, I know that He is so much bigger than our problems. He loves us all unconditionally.

  9. 1. I think he responded to job that way because the challenges that job was facing are nothing compared to God's greatness.
    2. It helps to know that because by knowing that fighting against you struggles now leads up to te ultimate prize, being with God.

  10. 1. I think God responded to Job this way because he wants to show Job that his pain will come to an end one way or another. I think he reminded Job of his greatness to show him that's what he's done is far better than how he was acting.
    2. Knowing that God is helping me when I'm struggling in life makes me feel a whole lot better. It's the fact that I know that everything is going to be ok because He is going to have everything go the way He wants it to.

  11. 1. I believe God responded this way to remind Job to trust in him, because he has a plan for everyone.
    2. Knowing God is a big God can help self confidence because you know God is there every step of the way. That will then help self confidence.

  12. 1. God responded to job that way because He was reminding him that God is greater than all his troubles
    2. It helps us to know that it is always possible to trust God no matter how hard it seems.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. 1) I think God responds back to Job this way, because he wanted to test him.
    2) Knowing who God is can help us when we are struggling, because we know that he is bigger than our problems and that he will help us in one way or another.
    -Kennedy Ash

  15. 1. I think God responded to job that way to show him what pain feels like on this earth.

    2. Knowing that God is bigger than what we are dealing with and is control will help us in a daily struggle.

  16. 1. He wanted to show job that he is always with him of his greatness.
    2. We know that God is better than everything's md everybody so we know he will help us with our troubles.

  17. God responded to Job in this way to show him that he's always there, even if many bad things happen, he is trustworthy and true in his ways.
    This is comforting because knowing that God can defeat anything gives you the reassurance that your hard times will end
