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What about you? Do you have a mountain in your life right now? Respond to the post in one of the following ways:
- Write about a mountain in your life. What is something that seems impossible to you that only God could do? Maybe it's a relationship, family situation, school, or something else going on in your life.
- Tell about a time when you faced a mountain and you saw God work. What was going on? How did God show up for you?
As always, I look forward to reading your responses.
One mountian is my life involes school. We are writing a research papper and it is worth 225 points. It is still a mountian in my life even though it is almost done. It may not be impossible or a huge mountian but it is a huge task to complete. Especially with other homework.
ReplyDeleteI've had a mountain in my way for the past year, senior year. It's not so much the tests, the applications, the scholarships, or any of the things that I have to go through to get myself all set up for college. My mountain has been my own fear of my future, of the unknown. I'm so scared for the difficulties I know I will face and the mistakes I'm sure to make (and then the consequences). My only chance is to just trust in God and his knowledge. I just have to believe that he will help me through this and bring me home safely.
ReplyDeleteMy biggest mountain, and one that I've had for quite some time is that I've never been able to speak what's REALLY on my mind. This is mainly based on past experiences of being judged for how I analyze things on a more complex level or saying something that sounds abrasive when it was never meant to be taken in that context. I find myself stumbling over words a lot and having a hard time defending myself or others. I had gotten to the point where I didn't care what I said to others because I felt that no matter what I said, none of it would make a difference and built up walls around my heart, finding it hard to let anyone in. Becoming re-saved Christian means I need to lay down my pride and start breaking down those personality and social barriers and start having more compassion for those who misjudge myself and others.
ReplyDeleteA mountain in my life was the girl's on the golf team. I enjoyed the sport, and I stuck with it because of my love for the game, but I constantly had to deal with teammates who were trying to catch me cheating. God showed up through this by showing me that I could get through it. This past season it was much easier for me to stand up for myself and to not worry about what the other girls were saying, because I knew that no matter what God was there for me and that he would be able to show me what to do and help me to know what to say when this was going on.
ReplyDeleteA mountain I am facing in my life right now involves school. We have finals coming up and everything at the end of the year is so stressful. I feel overwhelmed with everything I have to do. I know that God will help me through the last weeks of school and help me to face my mountain of stress-filled weeks to come.
ReplyDeleteWow. Some days I feel like I am buried under the mountain and have no hope of getting out. I lose my focus on God and his blessings and focus only my problems. I forget that I need to give up control and give it to God. I become overwhelmed by all that needs to be done. God has been really working in my life in this area.
ReplyDeletemy biggest mountain I am still struggling with to this day is giving my all. I always catch myself slacking in areas of my life that honestly need the most work. The most important areas too like my relationships with Go, Friends, and everyone around me. I feel like with all the other stuff I have going on in my life that it's okay to slack off a little bit in those areas and it'll be okay, I've finally been noticing and feeling the true toll it takes on my life when I take a break from those areas. I'm going to try even harder to commit everything to God so he can help me get over my mountain.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest mountain in my life right now is whats happening in my life. My family and I really going through some difficult things. I thought we were going to get through it. I though that we were going to be like this for the rest of my life , but ever scent my family and myself have found this church we have really came though a lot of our problems.
ReplyDeleteI’ve been facing a mountain probably ever sense I was born I have been constantly been fighting with my sister ,but how much that I try to stop I always end up fighting with her again.
ReplyDeleteJohn Yakimicki