Tuesday, April 1, 2014

God's Call, My Response.

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope that you are all well rested and ready to finish out the school-year strong. We're getting into Easter season, so the readings over the next few weeks will tend to reflect that.

Take a moment to read Mark 8:31-38 (remember, click the passage for a quick link to the text).

Here are a couple of things to remember as you read this passage:

  • Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man. So when He says that the Son of Man must suffer, He's talking about Himself.
  • Peter was one of His closest followers and friends. He was also the oldest and leader of the disciples.
  • "Satan" literally means one who apposes God and His will. Jesus wasn't calling Peter Lucifer (the devil's name), but saying that He was trying to get in the way of God's plan.
  • When Jesus begins to talk with the disciples and the crowd about taking up your cross, He is telling them that God's plan will sometimes cost you something, in this case, it will cost your life. He was really saying, "Here is what following me will cost. Are you willing to go that far?"
  • God's plan sometimes looks different than we thought. Who would have thought that God's plan would involve Christians being killed for their faith?
The question I have for myself is, "When have I been Satan?" When have I gotten between God and His plans for my life and the lives of those around me? Would I be willing to follow God's plan, even if it would cost me my life in an excruciating death? I mean, if Jesus' closest follower and friend opposed God's plan and caused Jesus to rebuke Him, then I am not exempt from those kinds of questions.

I can think of several times in my life that I felt a leading from God and I didn't go through with it, or I felt that it was too ridiculous to really be God. Most of the time, when I don't follow God's plan, it's because I'm scared. I'm scared of what others might think of me. I'm scared of others rejecting me, or just thinking that I'm crazy (well, I am, but that's for another topic). 

Here's what I want us to discuss in the comments section: 
  1. What do you feel God is calling you to do? In what ways is He calling you to deny yourself for His cause? Write it down in the comments below. It doesn't have to be anything that is ridiculously huge. Maybe He's asking you to be a better example for you brother, sister, mom or dad. Maybe He's asking you to sit by a loner in the lunch room.
  2. Write down one action step that you will take to follow through with God's call.
  3. If you haven't sensed a call from God, take a couple of days to pray about it. Then come back here to finish steps 1 and 2. I guarantee you that if you devote time in prayer to this, asking God to call you to something, He will.
God has been calling me to give people more time and attention. Not just people that I like and that I have a good relationship with, but the people who I just happen to run into at the store. He's calling me to pay attention to the needs around me and to act on them when I see a need come up. So I'm going to pay more attention to the cashier at the grocery store and waiter at the restaurant. Maybe God will prompt me while talking with them.

What about you? What's God calling you to do?


  1. I feel like God had been calling me to learn to be nicer and watch my temper. I'm extremely opinionated and I realize it. I need to make sure I know when to speak and when not to. So, I'm going to try to bite back rude or hurtful comments or remarks instead of saying them.

  2. I feel like God is calling me to trust him more and myself less. After I read the scripture in the NIV version, I looked to see how it was presented in The Message bible and it said this:

    Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am."

    Well, you can't get much planner than that. I'm not in the driver's seat, God is. So I am going to try to focus on letting God guide my life instead of me trying to control my life.

  3. God has been really pulling me out of my comfort zone lately and sometimes I don't understand how it even applies to my continuous spiritual maturity. For example, certain people have come into my life and have really grown on me to open up emotionally. Prior to these experiences, it was extremely difficult to express my emotion towards other people because I'm afraid of people walking out of my life. I've really taken the time to get to know people and if they seem to want to be apart of my life, then that's when I begin to become more comfortable with my emotions. I also really feel that allowing God to work through me with discernment would be a key factor in all of it as well.

  4. Lately I've pulled away from a lot of relationships in my life, and I know God is calling me to mend them. It's not that any of them are broken, but they aren't what they used to be. Some of these people held me accountable, and I did the same for others. It shouldn't be hard but it kinda feels like it is. I guess I have a lot of praying to do before I pick up that phone and make it right.

  5. I feel that GOD is calling me to help out others and tell them about him.
    Go around to people and explain Jesus to them.

  6. I feel like God wants me to help out for more activities at the church for the younger ones. One step would to be to sign up for one of the events.

  7. My calling is what I feel I'm doing now. In my current job, my interaction is with many individuals who are still searching. Some of them have never even heard about who Christ truly is. My action is to live my life, pray for them daily, and pray with them as often as possible. I also have enjoyed sharing my testimony with them. This is something that is difficult for me, especially when I don't think I'm being heard or getting through. I just have to keep remembering that God is in control and will be there at all times with them when they are ready, not in my time, but in His.

  8. I feel like God is telling me to be a brighter light for Him at school. I feel like He is telling me to watch my attitude around others and to think before I say things.

  9. I feel that God is calling me to use my abilities to help people; both those around me and those across the world. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that, but I'm praying for guidance.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. (Jada Moore)
    I feel like God is calling me to be nicer to others, to help others, and to not get angry so easily.

  12. 1. I feel like god has called on me to set an example for my friends and family. Not to give into what is typical or normal, but to do extraordinary things wth the skills, strengths and abilities he has blessed me with. I think I need to start by stop giving excuses for little things and saying I can't handle these things alone. Which I can't alone, but that is why I have God's hand there to help me carry the load!

  13. I feel God calling me to truly deny myself. I'm always looking out for myself and what I want, doing only what I want to do and when I want to do. I have to learn to give it up to Him and not to wait until I'm "ready" to be accepted by Him. I just have to get my connection back...and I can only do that by getting back into his word and surrounding myself with those who believe as I do.

  14. I feel like God is calling me to be nicer to my sister and to not get as upset or angered as quickly. I can do this by changing my attitude when I am around her and when I am at home.

  15. I feel like God is called me to help spread his word at my high school. There are so many people there who could benefit from it if someone would just take the time to share. I am going to be a better example of a Christian when I'm at school and also make it a more well known fact that I am a Christian.
