What's amazing about this passage is verse 33, "It is God who justifies." We have an Enemy, someone trying to tell us that we aren't good enough. We make mistakes. We mess up. We all sin. Yet, it is God who justifies. God makes the ultimate decision on what's going to happen to us. Not you. Not me. Not your neighbor, Shirley. And not our Enemy, the devil.
It's because of Jesus that we are justified by God. What that means is that Jesus paid the penalty for us. When someone gets caught doing something wrong, breaking the law, there is a penalty for that action. Jesus has taken the penalty for us. He has already died for us. All of our sin, past, present, and future is hung on the cross. Jesus' death has satisfied God's anger towards sin.
Yet, we run away from God when we mess up. We run away from church when we are not living holy lives. But there is nothing that can separate us from God, this passage says.
I was at a conference yesterday, and the speaker said, "Jesus is bigger than any mistake." Those six words should transform us. Where do we turn when we mess up? It should be to God. And since the Church should be representing God here on earth, we should be able to turn to the Church with no condemnation, no fear of being "guilty," even though we all are. Jesus has taken care of it for us.
Read through the passage one more time. Spend some time reflecting on it. Think about the fact that God is FOR you, not against you. He has given everything for you. And He has given everything for everyone. For you. For me. For your neighbor...Shirley. For your teacher. For your family. For your enemy.
There are two steps to take in regards to this devotional:
- Write out a prayer of thanksgiving to God for what you read in this passage. Thank him for something specific that is written. Make it at least a three sentence prayer.
- Write out a prayer for the upcoming mission trip based on what you read in this passage. Pray for those who we will encounter to see the love of Jesus. Pray that our group will model this passage well.
I look forward to reading through your prayers.
Dear Lord,
ReplyDeleteThank you. Thank you that you will always be there for us and especially that no one can condemn us because it is you who justifies. I'm so thankful to know that when others let me down or when I fee like I have failed, you will still love me and be there for me.
Lord, I also pray that we will be able to show other the love you have for us just by how we, as a group, interact. Let people notice that while we still may be a group of crazy teen, there's something different about us. Let us show your love and help us realize you will always be there for us.
Lord, I too pray that others will notice something different about us. I pray that we will leave no trace of destruction but only what is good and pleasing to you.
DeleteDear Lord,
ReplyDeleteThank you for loving me so much that you would die for me. It's amazing to know that you love everyone that much. Thank you for always being here for me when my friends and family aren't, and even when they are. Thank you for being by my side when I most need you or I just feel like talking.
Lord, I also ask that we could show this passage on our upcoming missions trip. I pray that we would be able to love each other the way that you love all of us. I pray that we'll be able to go to you and each other for advice and guidance on this trip. Reveal your love to us and let us know you're always on our side, through the good times and the bad.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all that You do for me. Through everything You are with me. Because of You I am able to be here and know that I have nothing to fear. You are with me always and nothing can separate us.
Thank you for the love you give us. Please help us on the mission trip to show love and kindness toward one another. I pray that other people will see our actions and know You are behind it all. I pray that nothing will separate us from You and the connection to know You better on the trip. I pray that if someone confronts us with a question about You or why we are doing this you will give us the words to speak. You know everything and for that we are greatful that You can protect us and you will never leave our side. Let people see that we are working for You in everything we do this trip.
Lord, I want to echo the thought that you will give us the words to speak when asked about you. May each word that comes from our mouths be from you and not from our own minds.
DeleteJesus, I am so thankful that you have taken the burden of my sins upon you. I can think of no greater gift than cleansing me from my sin. I have done nothing to deserve it, yet you have given me this gift. Thank you for clinging to me and that no matter where I go, you are with me. Help me not to run from you when I do wrong but to cling to you and ask for mercy, grace, and forgiveness...which you so freely give. Thank you for being the Lord of my life. I love you. In Jesus' name, amen.
ReplyDeleteFather God, Thank you for calling each of us to be a part of this mission team. I pray that we each will show your love and compassion to those we work with in Alabama and within our own team. May we each grow closer to you. Father, as circumstances evolve on the trip, I pray that each of us will remember your word and how "Jesus is bigger than any mistake." May we remember that, when we fail individually, and may we remember it and show compassion for others who fail. God, I know that on this trip there will be moments of frustration...there will be moments of discord among our team. I pray that in those moments we will grasp how to show your love (patience, kindness, not envying, humble, content, respectful of others, altruistic, slow to anger, easily forgetful of wrongs, rejoicing in truth, protecting, trusting, hoping, persevering) to all around us. As we prepare for this trip, prepare our hearts, prepare our minds, prepare our bodies to serve you. May your name be glorified in all that we do and say. In Jesus' precious name, amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
ReplyDeleteThank you for being on our side and helping us through all of our hardships. Thank you for giving up your son in order for us to have eternal life. And thank you for being a God who cannot be separated from us through your love.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being there for everyone who is going on this missions trip. I pray that through this trip you will help us to grow closer as a group and to grow closer to you. I also would like to pray that you would help us to be your light when we go to help. I pray that people would be able to look at us and see the love that you give us.
Dear Lord, I thank you for everything. You are greater than what is to come. You guide me through my day and put me to sleep at night. I am so blessed to have such a great lord and savior. I see now that what you do is all in a great plan of something greater to come and I thank you for that.
ReplyDeleteI also pray for guidance and vision on this upcoming trip. I Hope that everyone can see you in this that is happening and that everyone enjoys it at the same time. AMEN!!
Father, thank you that you are "for us." In a way that is unlike any other, you are constantly on our side and leading us through each day. Your constant presence and guidance is unfathomable. Thank you for who you are and the opportunity to serve you.
ReplyDeleteI pray that those who we come in contact with will experience your presence and the fact that you are "for" them too and come to an understanding of what that means. Help us to show your light and make a difference in the lives of those who we come in contact with. Help us to make a difference for you.
Heavenly Father, thank you for breathing your air into our lungs to give us life. We thank you for the things that go unnoticed everyday and we give you thanks for the countless blessings you've provided for us. I thank you for this group and how you've worked yourself into our hearts and moved us enough to step out of the boat even during the heaviest of storms. I pray that we all have the strength and forage to place our lives and faith into your hands to carry out YOUR will. I pray that whomever we meet along the journey, that we can serve them to the best of our abilities and to allow your Son to be the Redeemer for lost souls while we're along our travels. Give us the voice to speak out, when we feel the most timid. Give us the confidence to show you to the world, even when Satan may be lurking near to trip us up or put our minds in a place of spiritual doubt. Give us the tenderheartedness to pour out your love on your people. Give us ears to hear and the eyes to see the world from your holy perspective. Give us everything it means to be a humble and loving servant of your Lord. In your Son's Holy name, Amen.
ReplyDelete(Jada Moore)
ReplyDeleteDear God I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you have done for us lord, and that we may have a safe mission trip this year and that you can protect us from Satan on our mission trip, and I pray that everybody will learn something on this mission trip, and that everything will go as planed, Amen
Dear God I want to thank you for what you are doing to bring us together in your name to help other people from the tornadoes. And I hope that you protect us from the bad choices and bring us to the good choices. And I hope that all goes as planned, Amen
ReplyDeleteDear Heavenly Father, Thank you for all you have done for me. I have a hard time admitting my mistakes for fear of consequence or judgement but you have taken that burden upon yourself. There is no way for me to earn that, to pay it back, or to try and buy my way into Heaven. It is simply a gift and I am eternally grateful for it. I pray that you will watch over our group as we go to try and show your love and your kindness, and just you. I hope that we can be a light in this dark place and that you will help us to reveal your glory. I pray that those we encounter will have and open heart and be able to see that gift you are willing to give them. Thank you again for all you have done. Amen.
ReplyDeleteDear Lord, Thank you for all that you are constantly doing. You are continuously guiding me through the day and I am eternally grateful for that. There is no amount of words to describe how thankful I am for all that you have done and continue to do, thank you Lord.
ReplyDeleteLord I also pray that you will help those of us going on the mission trip that you will give us the courage and the words to spread your greatness among all of those we help. Amen.
Lord, I thank you that we can come to you with anything. That no matter what comes our way that you are there to protect us. I thank you that you will never let us go and will always love us. I pray for everyone who is going on this missions trip, that you would just show us how you are always there and will always love us. I pray that you will help us show that love to everyone we encounter on this missions trip and that we will have a great impact on their life. Amen.
ReplyDeleteMy Father,
ReplyDeleteGod I just want to thank you so much for your endless love. I know it's not a love I deserve, and yet you pursue my heart recklessly everyday. It's not the cheap love you offer either, no it's a love so strong that even the fires of hell can not destroy it. For that I am eternally grateful. So thank you, for loving me with all my faults.
My Father,
I pray that you will fill us with your love on this missions trip. I'm not sure what to expect when we go, but no matter what it is help us meet it with your perfect love. In your name I pray, Amen.
Dear Lord, I pray in thankfullness that you are our justifier. And that you sent your one and only son to earth to pay for our sins so that we could live with you. And I thank you that there is no ne to condem us or to seperaten us from you Lord. In Jesus name Amen.
ReplyDeleteDear Lord I pray that you will fill both those on the trip and the ones that we help that their hearts would be filled with your love. I pray that our group will model that no matter what you have done you can still come to the Lord Father in Christ. So that they can see that no one will be throw away in our group because of what they have done. In Jesus name Amen.
Dear Lord,
ReplyDeleteI thank-you for everything. You have given me so much. Your love is all around me. You heal everyone I know. I also hope you can send all your love with us to Alabama. I'm kinda scared to go, because I don't know the people there. You are a wonderful father. I your name I pray, AMEN
Dear God,
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving us the ability to go on this mission trip to help others who lost so much in the outbreak. I pray that during that time we will grow closer as a group and we are able to fully work together as a team. Amen.