I know, that's kind of an unusual fear. But sometimes we just worry too much. Check out what Jesus says about worry in Matthew 6:25-34 (click the passage for a link to Bible Gateway).
Why was Jesus so concerned about what we worry about? I think it's because what we worry about shows what or who we put our trust in. If I worry about what I'm going to eat, then my trust is taken away from God and put on myself. I feel like it's up to me to figure out what I'm going to eat, that God can't help in the situation.
Re-read verse 33. What is a kingdom? A kingdom has a king. Each king has a set of rules, laws, or commands, and the people in the kingdom are expected to follow these. So Jesus is saying that if you seek God's Kingdom first, that the rest of these things will take care of themselves. It's not that they will magically happen, or that you will get everything you want, but when we are seeking to please God He makes it clear how we should live our lives and our needs are met through Him and His ways.
There's no promise about living a trouble free life. In fact, read verse 34 again. Jesus seems to say that you will always have trouble. But the question is, "What are you putting your trust in?" If we fully trust God to take care of us, then living His way should be our number one concern, and we don't have to worry about the other things so much.
Here are two ways to respond to this post (please complete both):
- In the comments, describe something that you tend to worry about.
- Reply to someone else's comment about what they worry about with a simple prayer. For instance, you might respond to my worry about going somewhere new with this prayer: "God, help Norm to know that you are with him no matter where he goes, that he doesn't need to worry so much about going to new places.
Make sure that you complete the first devotion as well if you haven't done that yet. I look forward to seeing the comments section blow up this week!
Personally, the thing I find myself worrying about would be making sure I get everything done for the week (mostly school). But verse 34 says it perfectly -
ReplyDelete"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." A great remainder to calm down and trust in God.
Thanks Norm!
I pray that God will give you peace of mind and help you worry less about these things Amen.
DeleteActually before I read any of the comments I read that verse and just thought how true that is. I feel that way too sometimes Jordan. So God, I pray that Jordan and I, and anyone for that matter will worry less about the days and things that may or may not happen. I pray that you will relieve the stresses that the future haunts us with and allow us peaceful thoughts as the week goes on. Amen!
DeleteGreat prayer Blake :]
DeleteThere are several things I worry about. This year, however, is not about me. I've felt called to serve others, whether it be for strangers or even for the people closest to me. So I want to pray for those that comment their worries within the week.
ReplyDeleteFather, thank you for the many blessings you have provided for us as a church and individually. We recognize that we take many of those things for granted. Show us how put our faith and heart into everything we say and do according to your Word and purpose. Open our eyes to what you will us to see and burden our hearts to what burdens yours. Help us as a missions team to love one another and to love those who we believe don't deserve love because we too do not deserve the exceeding grace your Son has given to us. We come before you today/tonight to ask for your mercy and for peace in the most troubled times we may face. Help us know that you are with us, that you are omnipresent, and that you are sovereign. In Christ's holy name, Amen.
Dear heavenly Father,
DeletePlease help Brandi in her journey to help other in everyway possible. I know that she is called to do something great, and I just pray for you to be with her every step of the way. Amen.
Thank you Delaney :D
DeleteI tend to worry about getting everything done that I need to accomplish and I worry about what others think of me.
ReplyDeleteDear Lord, please help Emma realize everything will get done and stressing over everything just makes it worse. I know it can seem like a lot, pretty much all the time, but help her just take a breath and rely on you.
DeleteHelp Emma realize that all things get done in time and not all at once.
I know I'm a worrier. I stress about pretty much everything in my life. School, church, band, the future; all these things and more cause me to get panicky. Luckily, I have a couple extremely calm friends who like to remind me to calm down quite often. While I may get more worked up when they first tell me to calm down, it truly does help. (After I've explained to them why I couldn't possibly calm down.)
ReplyDeleteDear Heavenly Father,
DeletePlease help Jordan with everything that she is stressed out about and everything that worries her. Remind her that You are always with her. Help her to know that her future is in Your hands and You will be right by Your side though all of it. Thank you for everything You do for us all throughout our lives.
In Your name I pray,
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will watch over Jordan and that you will remind her that you've got everything figured out. There have been some tough situations and stresses put upon her, as well as on all of us, and I pray that you will just help us all to realize that everything goes as you plan and that while things may seem bad, you will never let us go. Amen
DeleteDear Heavenly Father, I pray that you would help Jordan to know that you are always with her through everything she is going through and that you would help to take her worry away. Amen.
DeleteThere are a lot of things I worry about, but one thing I worry about often is school. I try hard to keep my grades where they are and to get all my work done. Another thing is what other people think about me. I want people to think that I am nice, and different than anybody else, in a good way.
ReplyDelete1. I tend to worry about my famliy when I am away. I tend to think the worst is going to happen when I am gone.
ReplyDeleteJesus, I thank you that you know us inside and out. I praise you because of who you are. I thank you that I know you are with us always. I pray for Josh today and his fears of what will happen when he is away from his family. I pray that he will feel your presence and love. I pray that he will feel your arms wrapped around him and he will find a peace, through you, that he has never felt before now. May your name be praised!
DeleteJesus, please protect Josh's family when he is away from him and comfort him when he is away.
DeleteI worry a lot about my grades and school related activities, i.e. band, NHS, musical. I get worried that I might not finish my homework on time or to the best of my abilities, and I get really worried about tests or quizzes.
ReplyDeleteLord, I pray for Kayla. That you would help her to not be anxious about about her grades or band. Lord I pray that you would give all of us in school peace when we take tests and that you will help us study for and take them to the best of our abilities. Amen.
DeleteI definitely worry about what people think of me. I tend to think if I'm not doing good enough people won't give me any attention or pay me no mind. obviously many of you may know I have no problem getting peoples attention or just going out of my way to impress some people. But what makes me worry is that I have put myself on such a high pedestal and it's hard to climb down without wondering what people would think of me if I acted differently. Don't get me wrong I love the attention. It's just I wish I wouldn't put so much thought and worry into it when it comes to things like this.
ReplyDeleteBlake, I think I vouch for everyone when I say you are a very kind and loving person and no matter what people thought of you, none of it would be negative. Even I have thoughts like this to some extent, its just a matter of showing humility to God and His sovereignty.
DeleteLord, I pray that you can show, not only Blake, but myself and others who may face these fears, that You are the only one who can transform us for the better inside and out. And that nothing on this world can replace what you have given us, Your forgiven and grace. And for that, we can only return our love, servitude, and humble hearts to Your will, even when we don't understand it sometimes. Thank you for your provisions in our lives, from the most minute things, to the most noticeable.
In your Son's Holy name, Amen.
I become very anxious when I feel like I am not in control of things around me. This manifests in some very ugly reactions and behavior when I feel like things are out of my control. The funny thing is, no none is really in control of anything, except God. In the first verses of the passage it says, "Do
DeleteI worry a lot about my grades and also extra curricular activities. My parents are always stressing me out about my grades and are constantly comparing me to others. I worry esspesially about volleyball and what others think about how I play. I play club ball and there are always college scouts and coaches who are constantly in attendance. It's my dream to play college ball and I worry that I won't be good enough come fall.
ReplyDeleteFather, I thank you for all the wonderful things that you are doing in Delaney's life. For giving her the ability to excel not only in the classroom, but on the volleyball court. I ask that you would watch over her and take away the worry and stress that comes with both of those abilities. Please help take away those worries when they come to the surface and help her to find a focus only You can provide.
DeleteI worry about school and what others think of me. I wonder if they think I am kind or rude, I also wonder if they see the Lord in me through my actions because I try so hard to show that I have the Lord in my life and wonder if others can't see it if it is actually real.
ReplyDeleteLord, please help Alex realize that the opinion of others seems important at our age, but the only thing that matters is what you think of us and you love us all dearly. Help Alex stop worrying about what others and solely focus on what you have to say to him.
DeleteWhen I read this, I thought about my favorite verses, Philipians 4:6-7. It talks about not worrying and relying on God, but also mentions the need for thankfulness. When I am worried about something, usually my family or just about failure, in general, I am most successful in overcoming that worry not just by praying about it, but by following those verses and praying with thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteI usually tend to worry about losing my friends because that's happened to me so many times in the past.
ReplyDelete(Jada Moore)
ReplyDeleteI worry about falling behind in school,
I tend to worry about my grandparents when they aren't feeling well and they don't answer the phone.
ReplyDeleteI worry about this mission trip. Any kind of change or new experience makes me nervous.
ReplyDeleteSomethings I tend to worry about are my family, my friends, and my appearance at school. There are a lot of things that I really worry about, but those are the major things I worry about.