Thursday, May 5, 2016

1MB: May 4

I know it's May 5, but we're just going to focus on May 4, because it was Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you). If you don't get that reference, don't dwell on it too much.

  1. Do you think the laws from Exodus and Leviticus (the first two passages) are fair? Why/why not?
  2. Do you think what Jesus says in Matthew is fair (third passage)? Why/why not?
  3. Why would Jesus seem to change what was written in the Old Testament for His followers? What good would it have done?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

1MB: May 2 & 3

This is the beginning of the Law that is recorded in the Old Testament. Understanding this will actually help us to understand Jesus and how He fulfills the Law.

  1. From May 2: Holy cow, those seem like extreme measures. Why do you think God was so extreme in what He said about this subject?
  2. From May 3: Why did God command people to pay back more than they took?
  3. From May 3: Read Matthew 5:23-24 (yes, actually look it up and read it). Why would Jesus command that? Why would you suspend your worship to God in that way?

Monday, May 2, 2016

1MB: May 1

We're just about 1.5 months away from The Jerusalem Project! I'm so excited about what God has already been doing and what He is going to do. We've been off for a bit with the devos, but we're getting back on it.

Remember, read the devo from the One Minute Bible, then answer these questions below. If you are behind, make sure to go through and catch up with the other devos.

  1. From the first passage, why would God command the Israelites to constantly talk and think about the "words" He was giving them?
  2. From the second passage, why would Jesus add the second command when the man only asked for the one greatest command?
  3. How would you describe the love that is commanded towards God and the love commanded towards others (your neighbor)? What does love look like towards God and towards others?
Sorry if that third question seems odd. Couldn't think of how to ask it better.