Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Trials and Joy

If you've ever been on a mission trip (and you have, or else you wouldn't be doing this one), you know that there are times during the trip that require an extraordinary amount of patience and endurance. The work is hard. The others on the trip might get on your nerves. The food might not be your first, second, or fourteenth choice. The weather may not cooperate. Whatever the case, your patience and endurance will be tested.

Click here to read from James 1 (there are two versions on this link. It's only three verses, so read both versions).

A couple things about this passage:

  • I do not think that it is God who sends the trouble or trials. In the story of Adam and Eve, it is humans who make a mess of the world. God then tells them the new reality they created. Yet God works within the mess to restore a relationship with His creation. He takes bad things and turns them into good (Romans 8:28 - Go ahead and click the verse to read it).
  • James is not telling people to put on a fake smile (grin and bear it). There is a joy that people who experience Christ gain that surpasses all understanding, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. There is a time for mourning. Yet, even in mourning, joy can be attained, because it's different than happiness. It's almost like James is saying, "Don't get discouraged when trials come, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This trial will eventually lead to making you better if you come through it well."
Two ways to respond (do both in the comments section below):
  1. Write down something that you need prayer for, a current trial or trouble in your life. In doing so, we will be able to pray for you daily.
  2. Think ahead to this mission trip. Write down one or two things that you think will test you the most during the trip. Then begin to pray that God will already be working in those situations and in your heart so that they will not become a stumbling block for us.


  1. 1. I need prayer for courage. Courage to step out of my comfort zone.

    2. I have high expectations for our group. But I cannot let my expectations get in the way of Gods. I pray that I may see His reflection In all we do.

  2. 1. Please pray that I will be able to love others as Jesus loves them and see them through His eyes, not mine.
    2. I think sleeping in tents and using pit toilets could cause me to be grouchy, as it is out of my comfort zone. I am praying that God will help me be grateful in all things and that this experience will help me understand how other people live.

  3. 1. I need prayer for patience and guidance at school.
    2. Something that I think will test me on the missions trip is patience. I need to be able to handle my emotions and not be quick to anger when someone or something annoys me.

  4. 1.) I need prayer for my brother.
    2.) My anger and attitude will most likely test me. I need to be able to look at the problem and handle my anger the way the Lord would like me to handle it.

  5. 1. Pray for my grandpa.
    2. Something that will test me is patience I get very impatient sometimes which I know is not the best think to do.
