What's amazing about this passage is verse 33, "It is God who justifies." We have an Enemy, someone trying to tell us that we aren't good enough. We make mistakes. We mess up. We all sin. Yet, it is God who justifies. God makes the ultimate decision on what's going to happen to us. Not you. Not me. Not your neighbor, Shirley. And not our Enemy, the devil.
It's because of Jesus that we are justified by God. What that means is that Jesus paid the penalty for us. When someone gets caught doing something wrong, breaking the law, there is a penalty for that action. Jesus has taken the penalty for us. He has already died for us. All of our sin, past, present, and future is hung on the cross. Jesus' death has satisfied God's anger towards sin.
Yet, we run away from God when we mess up. We run away from church when we are not living holy lives. But there is nothing that can separate us from God, this passage says.
I was at a conference yesterday, and the speaker said, "Jesus is bigger than any mistake." Those six words should transform us. Where do we turn when we mess up? It should be to God. And since the Church should be representing God here on earth, we should be able to turn to the Church with no condemnation, no fear of being "guilty," even though we all are. Jesus has taken care of it for us.
Read through the passage one more time. Spend some time reflecting on it. Think about the fact that God is FOR you, not against you. He has given everything for you. And He has given everything for everyone. For you. For me. For your neighbor...Shirley. For your teacher. For your family. For your enemy.
There are two steps to take in regards to this devotional:
- Write out a prayer of thanksgiving to God for what you read in this passage. Thank him for something specific that is written. Make it at least a three sentence prayer.
- Write out a prayer for the upcoming mission trip based on what you read in this passage. Pray for those who we will encounter to see the love of Jesus. Pray that our group will model this passage well.
I look forward to reading through your prayers.