Friday, March 6, 2020

It's not about me

One of the things we must come to grips with is that this life is not all about me (or you). It is so easy to become self-focused. Self-help books are some of the best-selling books. Music and art is all about being you not matter what others think. Self-gratification (I only do what makes me happy) and self-promotion (I only do what propels me forward) are things that we rarely even think about as issues.

But this should be different for followers of Jesus. We have Jesus' example. He never acted out of self-gratification or self-promotion. In John 5:19, Jesus says, "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does." See what he says? Jesus, God-in-the-flesh looks only to the Father and does what he sees the Father doing. That's the opposite of self-promotion.

We're going to deal with self-gratification in the next blog post. But I want to focus on self-promotion today. Merriam-Webster defines self promotion as, "the act of furthering one's own growth, advancement, or prosperity." We instinctively act out of self-promotion all the time.

We are born in the world seeking self-promotion. But it's a good thing then. Babies can't say, "Hey mom, I'm hungry. Give me a bottle." They cry. And they learn that when they cry, they get what they want.

The problem is that sometimes we continue that mindset into adulthood. We learn that we need to be in it for ourselves, that we are the only ones worried about our own well-being.

Take a few moments to read John 14:1-4, then answer these questions.

1. According to Jesus, what should we do instead of letting our "hearts be troubled?
2. How does Jesus' promises (verse 2-4) help you in your journey to trust God instead of being worried?

I think that we often resort to self-promotion because we are worried that if we don't take care of ourselves, no one will. Or if we don't seek to be noticed or admired, no one will. But Jesus promises his presence just a bit later - "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you." He promises to notice you, to take care of your deepest needs.

3. If we trusted God to take care of our deepest needs, how would that help us not seek self-promotion as much?

Take a moment to pray that God would help you to feel satisfied, noticed, and taken care of in his presence. Confess areas in your life where you have been self-obsessed and ask him to give his Holy Spirit to help you in those areas.