Monday, February 27, 2017


Hey guys. Welcome to the first devotional for the 2017 mission trip. We will be putting two devotionals online every week (ideally Monday and Thursday). Occasionally these devotionals will be written by a "guest." This week we are starting with a thought from Russ Taylor. Don't forget to read all the way to the bottom and respond to the devotionals accordingly. Not responding to the devos could cost you a chance to go on the mission trip.

From Russ:

Anticipation: the feeling of looking forward, usually excitedly or eagerly, to something that is going to happen. I would assume that all of us are doing this in regard to the upcoming mission trip to Birmingham.

I was fourteen when my dad purchased our first television and visual images came into our home. I was an avid reader through my childhood. As I read those books, I formed my own "images" in my mind in regard to those stories. I could picture exactly what each character looked like and all the settings the story was taking place in. I remember often being somewhat disappointed when on of those books was made into a movie. The just hadn't gotten it "right." The people who were cast to play the parts just didn't look like they were suppose to look.

We all fantasize at times, picturing in our minds the outcome of a sporting event or some type of competition. We fantasize a first date, playing it all out in our mind. We imagine what we will say and how they will respond in turn. Often, the fantasy is much more enjoyable and to our liking than the actual event turns out to be.

As we prepare to go on this mission trip, I am trying very hard not to fantasize very much. I want to be a "blank canvas" that the Lord can use. I am praying, "Lord, show me what you want me to see, teach me what you want me to learn, guide me to experience what you want me to experience!" As we anticipate this trip, let us keep our "fantasies" to a minimum and our availability and openness to a maximum. In this way, we will be able to be used to be a blessing to others in return, be blessed ourselves more than we could have imagined!

-Russ Taylor

Take a second to reflect on what Russ said. Then reply to this blog with answers to these questions:

  1. What does it mean to be a "blank slate" in regards to the mission trip?
  2. How can you have a teachable attitude towards this mission trip? In other words, how will you keep your anticipation about the mission trip from limiting what God wants to do in and through you?
Side Note: Students and parents, we would love to have more guest devotionals throughout the spring. If you would like to submit a devotional, you can email it to me at or type up a physical copy.